Return to the game after 2 years Absent - Opinions

So… come back because of curiosity and after 2 years here are my thoughts

Mauga - hilarious, and amazing to play, easy to deal with if you play bastion

Orisa - Broken as all hell, even with focus fire, you just can’t kill it, best ignored and go after its healers instead

Ana - Still broken, Anti nade is as infuriating and game breaking as it always was… any match with her in it means you’re not allowed to tank

Rein - Dogwater… don’t bother playing him… Poor rein…

Tracer - still broken, just like she always was, and even worse with no CC to take care of her with

Genji - Same as tracer, still broken, does far too much damage for a flanker… his Alt fire needs removing to make him more of a skillful hero just like his mains claim he is

mei - pointless playing her, she is crap

Sym - same as mei

Torb - slightly better but still crap

bastion - is actually useful? colour me surprised, he still isn’t that good though

Venture - She is the absolute ugliest hero i’ve ever seen and her voice lines are annoying procing way too often… also, she’s just DPS Doom…

Widowmaker - still broken, One shots need removing, make her more of a marksman

Tanking is literal hell the only way to play tank is as if you are a fat DPS TBH… don’t bother trying to take space, or maintain control of an area, just pick whatever counters their most troublesome DPS or Support, and hard focus them

just ignore their tank, and take out their supports first

matchmaker is… meh… had a few balanced matches, but mostly stomps in either direction unfortunately

its fun, in small doses, but its no where near the fun of which it used to be back in OW1


Did you report the genji players for cheating?