Secret moderators in OW forums?

Just a simple question; Has Anyone heard or noticed anything weird with some members of this forum? Because I did, and therefore I wonder;

Could there be secret moderators, deleting posts from those who know too much, and who defend Blizzard against those who claim that they can confirm uncomfortable things?


They are not secret moderators, but yes, here moderators delete anything that can harm Blizzard image without any justification.

I really doubt but who knows, that wouldn’t surprise me


Were the people that claimed “secret moderators” the ones that think they have some special information about blizzard. (It was you on another thread, so yes)

That wouldn’t surprise me. Once you’ve lost your mind enough to start believing the weird theories out there on the forums, you’ll probably start believing in secret moderation.


It’s a little too conspiratorial, frankly. or rather, it depends on how you write things.

a few weeks ago they delete my post just because I told a user the meaning of Cassidy’s belt. But any human being would have understood that I was exposing a notion of the Overwatch art department, but I was marked as “Offensive”. it was an absolutely peaceful topic. so I wrote another one in which I found it extremely unfair that they closed it for me when the forum have very much topis about more ovffesinve things: banned for two days. the reason? “because I used too derogatory terms about other forum users/moderators.”

I find it more likely that they have a bot that is overly sensitive to terminologies, and doesn’t understand the context of things. :robot: a very, very no brain bot.

for the rest… THE WHOLE forum should be deleted for generally negative feedback on this company, right? :sweat_smile:


Well said…

It’s really inconsistent/random…


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It really isn’t. If if breaches the very simple forum rules, it’s very likely to be removed.

But I’m actually referring to you, since you made a mistake and wrote info about me that you wouldn’t know, unless you were a moderator.


Lol. I’ve written literally zero information about you. You seem to b paranoid for no reason.

Woops, someone ended up in the corner and decided to vanish.
Well, that’s proof enough for me.
And clearly, SmallPackage doesn’t have neither the game knowledge, nor the social skills to handle his task.


Lol I’m glad. Your responses were embarrassing.

Secret moderators… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: