Settings Not Saving/Reverting Midgame

Playing on switch. For the past few weeks I’ve been dealing with a very annoying issue where my settings will not save no matter what I do. I’ve narrowed it down to be mostly the Hero & HUD settings, namely "Disable Stick While Using Gyro* and the associated axis percentages. Ill change my settings to how I like, and then randomly mid game my controller will be moving weird and I’ll check settings and the Disable Stick will be turned on instead of Off. Seems like the 3 percentages also revert back to base settings instead of my preferred ones. It mostly happens when I play Kiriko and occasionally Moira but has also happened with Illari and Reaper so I don’t know what is going on.
In general this bug has made the game unplayable to me and the bug report is exclusively for PC so I’m just at a loss for what to do. Thinking about just giving up and playing whenever I get a PC but I’ve been having a lot of fun and want to solve this issue.
I deleted and redownloaded the game and reverted all my settings and even then the “Hero & HUD” settings won’t revert back to base settings until mid match when it’s most inconvenient.

Any advice is appreciated!