Sign up role selection in competitive


There are many games where my preferable roles are taken (DPS/support) and I’m often asked to tank. I personally dislike tanking, at least main tank like rein/orisa, and don’t feel comfortable/enjoy the role. I know others feel like this about other roles too. I always state that I can’t play x role well and aim for a swap, but it doesn’t always work.

I was wondering if it would be possible to get a role selection for competitive sign up: Tank, DPS, Support, and/or a mixture of roles if selected. Would it make queue times longer for those only willing to play DPS? Likely. Would it improve the co-operative experience and quality of the matches? Definitely. I’d also like to state selecting a preferred role does not exclude the selection of other roles, but aims to provide matches with well balanced team against another well balanced team.

Very likely to have been discussed before, but I would prefer to wait a little longer for a higher quality game than get thrown into matches where players are abusive for not picking a role that you don’t feel comfortable filling (yes I’ve also reported people for this, if necessary).

If we had a different Sr and mmr for each role yeah I could get behind this.


The only way that could work is if they enforced 2-2-2 with role selection and role based mmr.

You will be hard pressed to find a main tank that wants to solo tank or healer that wants to solo heal. Both winston and reinhardt are greatly dependent on zarya/ to enable them.

I don’t mind solo healing

While on the surface, it makes a lot of sense, there are still some major issues with role queue. When you look at competitive and the hero distribution, the split seems like it’s even, but that’s mostly because most people will gravitate towards 2-2-2. When people play what they would ideally want to play (we call this “quick play”^^), there are hardly any tanks at all and very few supports.

Here’s the deal with queueing: if you queue for a tank game, you will find one immediately. If you queue for a support game, you might have to search a bit, but will find one. If you queue for DPS - you might never get into one. You see, people stay in the queue until they find a game or until they stop searching. New games will be made as soon as you find tanks, but in the time span where 4 tanks apply, there will be 12 new DPS searching, out of which only 4 can get a spot. Consequently, the queue will get longer and longer because there will pretty much never be a time in which more tanks queue than DPS. It will only get shorter by people not wanting to wait anymore - and that’s not fun.
Sure, you could assume it would self-regulate, people would queue as tanks, because they want to get quick games, but that way you have people who can’t play tanks in those roles and pretty much the same problem as now.

And don’t even get me started on the imbalance between off tanks and main tanks. The first group is a lot bigger, so even forced 2-2-2 can be an issue.

You might not mind, but chances are the tank that you got saddled with, will mind.

I doubt it. Youd just have a load more players complaining that they’re ‘forced’ to play tank/support.

Ps. Was in a comp game earlier, playing Mercy alongside 5 dps. Asked team to stay together for more heals and got told to “shut up” (polite version). Aside from getting a group of friends and group queuing I don’t think this behaviour will ever end

Pps. My profile is not private and I am well aware that i am an awful player and that my opinion is worthless.