Smurfing is a big issue! Just read it

There is in fact no way to check past performance through your profile, only in game.

This isn´t a fair comparison either. Not even close to.

The difference between a t500 and a GM is indeed often greater than that of a diamond and a masters. Ofc if you skew the results as "A bronze is gonna be far from a GM, in comparison to a GM vs top 500, you aren´t even trying to make the SR comparison fair.

Also GM is top 1%. The amount of accounts they can have in the 99% below them is limited, especially the lower you go, since they have to throw a lot to stay there, when they also dominate. Throwing gets them banned and Blizzard confirmed, that Smurfing indeed isn´t a big problem, but people are too big on their own ego, to actually think rational.

Anyone is a “smurf”, now a days, no matter the circumstances. the level 29 called “GENJI OTP” that shreds everyone at 3k elo, might just be a hardstuck diamond that plays a lot and made a new account only one tricking a DPS, having his one of amazing game, when the opponents doesn´t. The problem here really lies in, that none of you people whining actually have any proof to your argument, all of you just asume and pretend you are right, because no one can be there without smurfing.

Difference between 4k and 4.5k is bigger than for example 3k and 3.5k. I played in OD, my team full 4.2k+ peak, we got clapped playing goats vs 5 supports + pharah. I met a lot of smurfs during my climb through masters, i fully understand how you feel when you play vs much better enemy.

You still don’t see the problem

I’m not saying that every low leveled account is a smurf, or that people shouldn’t play on new accounts I mean that the people that are smurfing just because they can should be punished. There is a clear difference between a person just playing on a new account and a smurf.

For example that Tracer that I mentioned in the original post she was clearly a smurf but I get a lot of people in my elo that are low leveled and a little bit better than everyone else and a few that just own every match and I don’t think that the guy that is just a bit better than everyone else is a smurf but the guy that is owning probably is. And you are right when you say that I don’t have any proof but let me ask you this, if you had a Rein on your team that started flaming everyone after the first round and then the second round he plays widow and doesn’t get a single kill for the entire round would you assume he is throwing or that he is just unlucky.

That is why I assumed that that Tracer is a smurf because it was quite obvious

Entirely different problem. Since he willingly changes to a dps, that cirpples their team, whether he performs or not. Since he is also doing poorly it is even worse.

So, are you playing competitive with NO drive to improve or climb?

I mean, you do you, but that’s hilariously counter intuitive.

This is a very underrated argument. There is a crazy amount of players that come from counter strike, team fortress, apex, or any other shooter that demands good mechanical skill.

I do improve, only the whole proces is frustrating because of smurfs, leavers and throwers. The lower you are in rank the bigger the difference s become to deal with those situations. Because the higher you are the smaller the skill gaps become with the smurfs.

Fore me there are two kinds of smurfing types,

Number 1= the people who just buy another account and go straight up to their own skill level and stay in whatever skill level they are suppossed to be.

Number 2 = the people who buy other accounts and play in lower ranks for pleasure, teasing, or whatever reason they have to play in lower ranks than they are suppossed to in competetive.

Number two is where is have my problems with. But do not mistake, leavers and throwers are also a big issue.

You can say it’s not a big issue for you, but I am not you, I do practice and I do my work. I play a lot of overwatch and when things don’t work out I go search for tutorials on youtube, practice and implement my new skill. I have clearly improved the last half year, but it comes with a lot of frustration because of throwers, leavers and smurfs.

But enough rambling about this drama, let’s see how 2 2 2 will work out and the new cheating detection system and the soft mmr reset.

If you truly have a strong drive to improve, smurfs should be nothing more than pebbles on your asphalt road to victory.

“truly improve” lmao it’s not my life mission, I just want to have a cool experience. And ofcourse effort plays a role into improving. But it’s a game. Life is frustrating enough sometimes, and my compaint is, comp does not need to be such a frustrating experience like it is right now.

But I will see and wait. I have good hopes for this new 2 2 2 release and the new cheating system. They are clearly taking it serious.

I have been trying to tell people this, i placed rank 67 in season 1 at the start, aka i was placed in the top 500 of players at the start of the season, when i was not even level 50 and came from CS. Me and Magisk was playing together clapping people on Soldier and Zarya.

If you aren’t trying to truly improve, I don’t think competitive is the place for you.


lmao, what you are “truly” saying is. Just shut my mouth.

I am truly improving. Because I am climbing, but you only read what you want to read. I am talking about how climbing is a frustrating process and that blizzard should do something aobut it.

And Blizzard is listening because it’s implementing 2 2 2 right now and it has implemented an improved cheating detection system and more is coming.

I have been playing a lot on the ptr this week and I am happy how everything is working this far.

  1. you already can report people for whatever
  2. how would you objectively rate someones’s performance, in order to identify a smurf? Should people report someone who they perceive to be much better than them?

You should watch this and stop whining about smurfs:
h ttps://

lol as soon as I saw the youtube link I knew what video it was going to be.

But as SVB points out smurfing is not such a big issue as some people believe it to be. I think leavers and throwers who go hand in hand are the biggest problem. Because to be honest, I notice sometimes a smurf too. But not as often as leavers. I experience leavers so much more often.

Just like you would report someone if you thought they were hacking, throwing, etc.

Almost every report in OW is what people think is bad. You don’t know if the person you think is throwing is just having a really bad day or if they’re actually throwing the match. unless it’s just plain obvious (like that tracer player I mentioned in the original post)

yeah you can do that already. You can report people for no reason.

Stick the odd bronze, silver or gold player in a GM match. Ruin all the games :smiling_imp:

Ok these are old statistics but

If 1% of players are in GM and 3% in masters that means that there are
~1600000 players in those ranks

and let’s say 1/4 are smurfing/on an alt account that means that there could still be 400 000 players smurfing/on alts ruining games

and of course, I know that 1/4 of gm master players aren’t smurfing and sure I might over exaggerate when I say that there are many smurfs but you can’t deny that the people that are smurfing are causing more problems than necessary.