Smurfs a lot more frequent

Well, i am not much to comment on smurf issues, but whoa the games lately where i can’t even climb anymore, because i will get to a certain sr, and destroy regular plat players, but then i get god tier gamers that just get me back to back to back, i don’t have the time to sit their and get good as most would say as I am older and have responsibilities, but this game has just turned into a smurf frenzy, most players who smurf or don’t realize this, but a lot of people who had a stressful day just want to come home and enjoy a ranked game or try and rank up, and it’s just nothing but elo hell, why should someone have to tryhard in the rank they are in, just to get rolled multiple times, it is not improving anyone but making players more frustrated, i read the players comments and say get good, but imagine back when, when you were just as bad, and you wanted to climb so hard but wasn’t able too, because of said better players, it’s not about if you can beat a smurf and call yourself good, but their are so many players that smurf, that 1-3 turns too a mess, One player who is down in the low elos who is trying to climb, shouldn’t have to prove themselves, to someone above their ranking, they should be able to climb into that ranking, where they can play with other same ranked individuals and thus improve their skills.

If this is because you are a smurf yourself, then definitely not.

Have you considered the possibility that you have reached your true SR and just won’t be able to climb much higher without big improvements of your gameplay?

An OW coach had said that for people to be competitive and climb in Plat, you’ll need to play a few hours every day.

As I said, you might actually be there. You will always have players that have a particularly good day and just stomp you. It happens to everybody. As long as your winrate is around 50%, you are at the rating where you currently belong.

no i’m not, i reached masters once upon a time, and i’ve been told from a top 500 coach i should be able to reach very high sr, i just can’t cause of the issue, i made a valid point, and it seems to come back with the same issues, from players instead of actually acknowledging what i’m talking about.

Mindset is a bigger requirement than your actual set of skills. Being in masters once does not mean you belong there, it means you had some good games and a lucky streak. As long as players make excuses why they are “stuck” in a certain rank, that’s when they fail to look at their own gameplay, see where they can improve and focus on their mistakes in order to stop making them.

I won’t go as far as saying that smurfs aren’t a problem in lower ranks, but saying you belong in masters because you once reached it, and you can’t go there anymore because of smurfs, that is simply not true.

There will always be smurfs its a good source of income for Blizzard. If they can sell you the same product multiple times they will do. The don’t care what you do with your account, they only care that you bought it in the first place.