Smurfs are ruining this game!

$$$ you know… i do agree… should only be 1 account per player, i think then this game would be amazing, less trolling and cheaters.


Unfortunately the game is riddled with Smurf’s and those who say otherwise are probably smurfs them self’s but like someone said overwatch makes money on them so they don’t care. I always think of this issue as the matrix lol smith is the smurfs and they are taking over the game but the developers don’t really care :confused: #overwatch2


if it makes you any better, no good smurf would be placed under 3k after placements, and if they do it would take them 2-4 games to climb to 3k and leave you alone. Just because people are smurfing does not mean that they need to be banned, the only thing it means that you’re a bad player and never improved as a player in all these years. being in the same sr for many years shows just how bad you are and all your excuses are just blaming smurfs and other reasons like every bad player in the gaming community. all I gotta say is “git gud” as Asmongold always said.

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Literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever read…people are playing at their ranks for a reason, that’s where they belong. Smurfs throw everything off balance and can ruin a game, clearly you don’t understand new accounts typically function on win/loss and performance, simple, they play bad and lose for 25 levels and placements, climb to where they want and boom, they ruin that rank.

If you’re telling me smurfs aren’t an issue we’re playing different games, it doesn’t matter what rank the game is played at, a higher skill player ruins the game for people in their respective rank, whether this be plat in silver, masters in diamond or a 4.6k t500 in a 4.1k game.

Simply saying ‘git gud’ to climb doesn’t help anyone, that’s like saying a bronze player can learn to be t500 in the game against a smurf, they just play better and climb? No…they have to improve over time.



Alt accounts are encouraged. (just having a second account and playing normally but maybe with different heroes (less of a point in doing this these days)).

Smurf accounts (doing things to manipulate the SR to a lower level to either have easier games, boost friends) come under gameplay sabotage and cheating.


Deleted content. Sad


A better player, or one having a better game is one thing. And if in the correct rank they won’t stand out that much.

A deranked smurf… They stand out like a sore thumb and need to be taken down.

Yeah they did.

5v5 | de_dust2 | have server | /msg

Happy days.

In the long run it wont. Hype dies quickly in games, and eventually people that have been there since the start will get bored and start smurfing. Which ruins the experience for new players. Those new players will try and get their moneys worth or just try and get a refund. In the end, as the player base dies, the smurfs will get bored and quit too.

I’d prefer if they are all smurfs, that way I’ll learn a lot quicker. I have no problems being put in a GM game as a low rank.

no, you just learn bad habits and how to respawn…


im sure you are not getting that many smurf games as u would think

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Thats not a matchmaker, it didnt balance ranked at all, you just joined servers no matter the current players, its more a quick search or a browser, that was it unless you were in some form of 3rd party league

There is a smurf players world record theese days cause of stupid hero pool . People dont want to play as main account. So they chose the go smurf and destroy each other :slight_smile:

Thing is all the teams knew each other back then and knew who was good to play against for a fair game.

@KetaKubaner you are Incorrect… actually its easy to spot smurfs… more often than not smurfs jump between characters like genji and doomfist who are super technical and take time to learn… its not possible to absolutely destroy and basically wipe the team with genji or doom when you are only level 10… then on top of it the account is “hidden”

sorry but people will whine about smurfs as long as there are smurf players… its sad to see OW being ruined by players who are fake and pretend to be good at the game at low level aka smurfs

I read a lot of the comments here, and been playing for years and such, it is very easy to spot a smurf that is a brand new account, has insane calculation, and aim, especially movement, back in the old days plats, or even diamonds wouldn’t know how to move so well, now literally every game is a new account, with a tracer, doom, widow, or even torb smurf. Literally, blizzard just does not care, those placement games, take away from other placement games of non smurfs, and with every smurf out there, more then average players, it takes away from players getting into better elo to learn more, you will not learn dying every second. That is not how learning happens, This game used to be really well, now you can go to random sites, and buy a new account for even $5 and the point of smurfing is to ruin other elos, and throw some games to stay in the low elo, so you can keep going, just because you watch some videos of youtube of known top tier players doing it to rank back up, doesn’t mean that everyone else is doing the same. Also those top tiers are also taken away someelses elo, and ruining their games. A company that supports smurfs, is a company that supports money over it’s player base, and i would just say, instead of worrying yourself about it, uninstall, let the base drop, that is the only way the company will finally take measures to bring players back. Can’t teach, or preach to something, that won’t listen, unless it’s an option that effects them.

It’s likely to be going free to play.

Doubt that uninstalling will change anything.

Just played against 2 smurfs, we trolled them till they snapped then beat them when they got arrogant.


So true!
If a smurf is playing just to beat bad players they’ll likely not switch if they are being countered.
It’s very possible to beat a smurf as long as you somewhat coordinate.
Because ultimatly, getting hardcountered is not fun, and the bigger the ego the less likely they are to switch.
If, however, they are in a group with a support or tank it gets a lot harder to win.
And if they actually tryhard on a smurf they are gonna get bored deranking or climb out of low elo very quickly.

smurfs who hide their accounts are just max level kittens
shame that the reporting system works as well as it does