Smurfs are ruining this game!

Seriously its time to do something about this, i love the game and when matched against players of equal rank its just amazing but that’s just not happening, or so little that they don’t even stand out anymore all due to the the huge amount of smurf accounts out there, higher level players that would rather ruin the game for the lower skilled than play at their own skill level.

I could understand if it was just every now and again, i could live with that but when its closer to every game it becomes such a frustration that the game no longer holds any fun because you are being constantly outplayed by other players holding their account at a level that allows them to do this. Whatever algorithm thats in place so prevent this is not working effectively and needs a lot of work to stop this from killing my favourite game.


You do realise that overwatch devs openly say that smurfing is encouraged? Why wouldn’t it be, think about it…it makes blizzard money.


There is only one solution to your dilemma, and it’s not a helpful one. Play a single player game. As I said, not helpful.

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The logic behind that makes sense for people who have a very small amount of brain cells, the idea of a ranking system is to improve and you do get better by climbing up in ranks and facing better opponents, but a ranking system should do this in incremental steps, thus the whole point of 4 digit based sr, this allows for a greater matching of equal skilled players, but if you took a plat player and put them against a gm for example this is not an incremental step to learn off of, this would be the equivalent of throwing a fetus in a pool and telling it to just swim.

Smurfing is a problem and will continue to be a problem when idiots like you consistently believe that a ranking systems needs these vastly greater skilled players to come in and show the lower ranked players how to play.


I played games when there was no matchmaker to babysit me. whatsoever, and you know what? I had fun, something younger generations are apparently incapable of unless you hold their hand from start to end.


This is why im no longer playing competitive, what’s the point of testing your skills if the enemy team is filled with fake plat-true GM players.
If the dev have a ounce of good sense they would have gone full Donald Trump and delete all smurf account a long time ago but nope cash first.

So i guess now being an Overwatch player is to have a smurf and roll over lower level to feel good about yourself.
what a sad life.


the issue is exaggerated by whiners and people who can’t handle losing, they’ll cry “smurf” at every occasion. In fact there is no way to tell who is smurf and who is just a good player.


Condescending attitude: check
Hidden account: check
Account created recently: check

You are exactly one of those smurf account everyone hates and want to see banned. Hiding yourself behind a new account to act like a prick, what a pathetic person you are.


new, hidden smurf account? Acting like a prick?
Jesus christ, pull your head out of your 4ss, open your eyes and learn to handle the truth.

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KetaKubaner I would obviously dislike you as you have 73 hours on Mei


Beware. The smurfs. They’re EVERYWHERE!!

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I mean playing the “you kids these days” card is pretty pathetic, I played games like cs1.6 and quake 3 back in the day, and yes those games didnt have any form of matchmaker and yes they were fun, but as games have gotten more popular the rise of differently skilled players becomes greater, plus I like to see games improve over time rather than stagnate as much as your brain cells, so if you dont want a matchmaker to “babysit” you, maybe you should go back to playing your old games, because the fact of the matter is, you are zero use to this community and evolution of overwatch.


I don’t like the way KetaKubaner explains things but it’s actually true. Smurfs are in fact not ruining the game.

Check SVB’s last video if you want to inform yourself.


You’re true identity has been discovered at last Jack Morrison! No more hiding behind that tac visor!

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what’s the point of having ranks if people who are used to playing at a higher, more advanced level can just jump down at will and absolutely crush noobs?

just have it free-for-all and scrap SR, scrap ranked. Let Comp be what it actually is, a clusterfu of a mishmash of players that have nothing in common with one another, skillwise.

It’s all random, baby
embrace it

a snowflake


we’re talking about a game tho, I do not know any other one on market which would effectively prevent smurfing as the only way to do that would be some sort of biometric identification.

It is impossible to stop every smurf ever, but it is possible to deter someone from doing it.

Raising the level needed for comp.

Prime matchmaking forms, such as attaching hard ware to the game licenses or using phone numbers as a simple option. These are also options that can be toggled, much like prime matchmaking in CS:GO.

Having as many barriers as possible would help the game in the long run from a competitive stand point for all levels of skill.


It’s me, I’m the gold smurf ruining everyones games.

(My main is gold too)


Then we will stop playing the game… Openly accepting smurfs? Sure, we openly reject this blizzard game!!!


im a smurf and im ruining it on PURPOSE, muahahhaah

Honestly haven’t experienced many smurfs, there’s been a few people I’ve noticed that stood out as good but often if you get into another game with them they don’t play as well. An actual smurf will destroy you, not miss a couple shots then get a headshot using SA as Hanzo, I mean DESTROY.

Blizzard are a company that only want your money. It’s been almost 4 years of the game going live and they fail to make correct changes constantly. They care only about the pros and the people buying more accounts. As long as there are new players there will always be smurfs.

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