Weekends are full of smurfs (ppl smurf on weekends because the comp solo queue experience is so on weekends that the only way to enjoy comp OW is to hop on a smurf and just not give a damn).
It’s a symptom of how bad the underlying matchmaking is in this game, I’m guilty of it too on weekends I don’t touch my main anymore because it’s just not worth the frustration.
Not only matchmaking. When you sell a ready account with all heroes and no require 1-2 month of playing before joining ranked for only 14-20 euros this is the result.
A company fully aware of the quality level of the match it offers to its customers, and that tries to make them unaware of this (in order to keep them away from the game) by hiding the profiles, the match history, and the in-game statistics. The perfect plan to make money by not caring about the product they sell.
Start selling the skins and you can have an entrance that is not only the one of the boxes
Wrong. It is possible to grow in skill organically in, say, Gold with other Gold players playing in a Gold game. As time goes on you slowly improve until you’re pushing into Plat and you go through the same process again. But a Gold player getting wrecked in a Gold game by Plats, Diamonds, GMs etc is not going to improve organically, they are just going to get frustrated banging their heads against the game, which is why you see a lot of rage about it in this forum.
Yes it’s correct. Anyone with rudiments of biology / medicine / psychology or related sciences knows that in order to achieve improvements / learning, it is necessary to operate in contexts of difficulty just superior to one’s own. Translated into the overwatch environment, 100-300 sr of maximum difference (average).