There are smurfs in every game I play and its ruining overwatch. Just ban people with 90% win rate under lvl 100. its so obvious that they are smurfing cause they’re playing with their gold-framed friend who’s stuck in plat. Blizzard just gives us evidence that their really brainless when they’re not banning these smurfs.
Rly? In every game? I barely come across them tho
They are not gonna ban smurfs even if they can detect them
Just git gud. Get to a level where smurfs dont matter that much anymore
- If you can’t beat a smurf who is a higher rank than you, you don’t deserve their rank.
- I doubt you get them every game, you’re probably just venting after one particularly bad one.
- Git gud.
I dont see why we can just have some prime matchmaking features
Maybe when ow goes free
They won’t ban them as they make too much money on the extra accounts.
Honestly there’s more problem with Smurfs on my own team when they decide to throw games. Smurfs on the opposing team with a 90% win rate will soon climb the sr ranks so you won’t have to put up with them for long. This is only what I’ve encountered in comp though, I can’t speak for your or anyone else’s experiences.
Ok one simple mathematical thing: When your team has a smurf, the enemy team will have one too. So the match is balanced, whats your problem?
Try to trick the smurf and be better than him or just plain counter him.
you are asking Blizzard to ban people, because they purchased Blizzards game?? lol
That’s not at all why they won’t ban them, don’t assume greed just because they’re a company lol
They won’t ban them because it would literally be impossible to ban every smurf that exists.
They should force solo queue at every rank no more twisted perceptions of smurfs ruining games, no more bad players getting boosted at low elo by smurfs.
It would not totally get rid of boosting but account sharing would be easy to detect anyway.
Yeah pretty much they are in every single game lately.
Please create topic where smurf is complaining about newbies in his games.
I have also been noticing this recently. Since I did my placements I have at least 2 smurfs in my games who are both flaming each other. (3.2k area)
‘Git gud’ is the most ridiculous response.
Not all players can reach the levels of said smurfs, hence why the smurfs play in the lower ranks.
Smurfs have a heavy presence in the game there is no denying.
problem is, they want this system to be active because it gives them LOTSAMONEY. It does not matter if 5 people leave the game, because one person can buy 7 accounts for himself.
smurfs arent an issue, since they theoretically happen on both teams equally. Did you complain about matches when they carried your 4ss? Don’t worry, I already know the answer.
Close to equally, in reality it would always be a 5 vs 6 chance. Since the observer that is complaining is obviously not a smurf.