Smurfs no better then aim bots

I have to be honest its disheartening to play a game when you know you are going to loose. I mean. I actually got told just get better and smurfs wont be a problem… Well as much as that is true its not because I could beat them its because I wouldn’t be hanging around in bronze… I would be playing at my own rank. Nothing good comes from allowing smurfs… Think about if they are on your team your basically being carried and you learn nothing about the game… and if they are against you, you basically get rolled and still learn nothing. In the end all it does is ruin the gaming experience.

Blaming smurfs is the “new way” of deflecting responsibility.
Most of the losses are not because of smurfs and everyone is playing the same game, so everyone has to face those situations and yeah , people still climb.

The moment you stop deflecting blame and looking to your replays, you will get better and climb simply because you can affect most of the outcomes of the matches you play.

Dude Im gold border and I almost never have problems with smurfs. Most times they are just one rank above the one they are currently playing in and easy to outplay if you actually try to outsmart them.
Often people say players are smurfs when in reality, they just had a really good game with a high accuracy. My widow playing friend often gets accused of smurfing because he is low level and has good aim. But actually he is playing in that elo since he first ranked in, so not smurfing at all.

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I find it interesting that you try to justify things like smurfing. There are proven cases of people leaving games just because of smurfs. As to what you just stated in regards to accuracy I have recently been told the high accuracy is what makes a smurf a smurf … you don’t don’t get smurfs with poor accuracy. Its just not done as they would never attain a gold ranking or better with poor accuracy unless someone has carried them. I recently played a few matches with a guy named PokemonFan and he is playing in a 640 sr match… now this player has a 60 - 70 percent accuracy as Mcree and on top of that had close to 70 kills in the one match. Tell me honestly why are they in that match ? How is it that you can justify that kind of thing? I mean his high accuracy is getting him high kills making it so the other team has zero chance to win. He is killing them moments after they spawn and each time he moves around a bit so they don’t know where he is going to kill them from til its to late. Now given this situation they are have a terrible gaming experience because of this one person. Now it is just one person but I have see several others that aren’t much different… I actually ran into that same person a couple days later in a match… at roughly the same sr level and they were not doing so great… until I called them on smurfing on the previous match and then all of a sudden they started team wiping… Basically he was going to throw the match just to stay in the same sr area until I them out on it.

in the end many times over its not just one match that many of these people have high accuracy its several yet for some reason they never seem to get out of low bronze… On top of which I have to question why and how they ended up in low bronze when they have such high accuracy do you have any ideas how many matches have to be lost to get to a 640 sr… I mean you basically have to lose like 70 percent of all your qp matches and then fail most of your placements on top of that. How does that happen with high accuracy ?