Snipers: Gods among us

For the past 20 games i have played in competitive and hundreds of matches in qp something becomes painful and obvious, Overwatch has a win condition.
The team with the better hanzo wins… frankly not because he has been promoted to a hit-scan type character but because his dmg output per arrow and arrows fired per minute is so high that any other character is useless.
The only way you can win a game is by having the better hanzo, and on top of that even when skill proves too much to handle by the enemy team they can pick widow. and when a team has 2 snipers, both which have the ability to instantly kill any character in the game so far from any distance and then run with an ability the match becomes unplayable. So far i have had 10 matches in competitive that i was winning untill the other team chose to take hanzo and/or widow in which case i would lose the match a minute or two later.
It is truly unfair that my rank and experience including the fun and rank of my entire team goes to the bin every time the other team has a hanzo or widow.
Overwatch has become comparable to dark souls in difficulty when hanzo is on the other team and it’s so exhausting that me and most of my friends either play a maximum of 5 games until we are done for the day or don’t play overwatch at all. I want to play Overwatch, i really do! but it’s far to unfair and difficult against snipers.


Snipers shoudn’t oneshot. Especally in a game like that, where there are some characters that have no mobility and gigantic hitbox.

I won’t even talk about spamzo, because… lol, i woudn’t even stay serious.

Especially his new power, that completely melts off tanks.


Hanzo rework is stupid.

To have a ranged hero be JUST as effective up close as they are far away (if not more so!) is horribly unfair when it doesn’t work that way for skirmishers.

Hanzo’s changes have buffed him into the realm of Stupidly OP, especially with his increased survivability from Lunge. Storm Arrows are just too powerful and too fast for a game where the proliferation of CC and ‘Disarm’ effects renders people helpless.

It doesn’t take a lot for a team to drop a Rein shield. A simple Freeze or Shield Bash. And in that time a Hanzo can ONE SHOT him WITHOUT help from:

Ally Damage

That’s STUPID.

They changed Roadhog in part because Hook OHKO felt crap, because Road did EVERYTHING himself. The lack of dependence on teammates to take down a 200Hp hero was bad enough—but HANZO soloing a tank from between 1m and 80m+? Because of God Mode Arrows? Obviously fine. ¬_¬

There’s just too little counterplay to Storm Arrows for most heroes.

Until they’re used in more niche situations (like Fan the Hammer–useless at any sort of range) they’ll be too good.

Reduce the number. Reduce the speed. Drop the rate of fire. Something to let opposition heroes respond.

Snipers shouldn’t be just as effective at close range.


The distance his hook dragged people was increased from something like 2-3.5m, IIRC. And the CD was increased by 2-sec. Can’t remember if they did anything with his pellets:damage ratios.

But there were nerfs. Especially Hook breaking with 50:50 LoS.

I like the idea of Hanzo and Widow’s headshot bonus being reduced. :+1:

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It is very true that his changes made him very harder to play overall although he did remain a carry character in most situation. I have a GM hog-main friend and although he was very very mad and sad because of the change he kept killing close to his usual rate .

Why reduce widows headshot bonus? Her skill ceiling is way higher than hanzos.

Hanzo 1.0 countered by Winston/Dva, Hanzo 2.0 counters Winston/Dva

Think of aiming skill like rolling a dice. The better you are at aiming, the easier it is to roll a 6. That wont stop bad players from occasionally rolling lucky and getting the same overpowered rewards.

Come on, you can’t mean that widow is overpowered because the time the novice does get lucky he scores a kill? What about the nine times where he’s doing no damage at all as he always try to get headshots? A bronze widow is likely to need way more shots per kill than a bronze Pharah, for example, and noone calls her overpowered :slight_smile:

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Thats the difference between average DPS and burst dps. The widow that hits 1 time out of 10 still gets the kill, whereas the soldier with the same accuracy doesnt.

A soldier with the same accuracy as widow would get a whole lot more elims than widow :slight_smile: And probably die less due to healing station and sprint.

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dunno about that - the soldier is doing easily heal-able damage over a longer timeframe, the widow is instapopping unhealable headshots of death.

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In case of headshots, yeah. But she’s not dangerous once you run around a corner while the soldier can run after you, her rate of fire is so low that if you hit a body shot instead the target often gets out of line of fire and/or healed, and she can only move in straight lines once every eight seconds, restricting her possible targets quite a bit. If Soldier hits one shot he’s likely to hit several more because of higher rate of fire and larger target surface, and he can reposition to maintain optimal position a larger percentage of the time. And his ult gives 100% accuracy.

In short, they have different strengths and weaknesses, that over the course of a match pretty much evens out. The fact that Widow can oneshot squishies doesn’t make it overpowered as those shots are quite rare in relation to how many shots she fires.

Either way, it feels terrible to get 1 shot by a widow who managed to get their only hit in a game and then lose the point.

The nature of true randomness makes me sad :stuck_out_tongue:

Long run man! Long run!

I spent so much time in bronze-plat where the volatility of your win-rate was so high it would make donald trump hang his head in shame. I had “think about the long run” for a mantra :joy:

You could use the long run argument about any imbalance in the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Balance issues will compound over time, and they’re not random :slight_smile: You being the one Widow manages to hit when finally doing so might be random (or not, but it’s probably more dependent on what you do than Widows actions), but the number of shots she hits in the long run, given a certain skill, isn’t.

Same goes for winning matches in lower ranks. Every match is a roll of the dice, and utter chaos. It often feels like no matter what you do, it’s completely random what the result will be. It’s frustrating. But if your skill is higher than the average skill in your matches, you will have a steady increase of SR, in the long run. The result of a single match doesn’t matter.

oh but i main doomfist pharah is op its actually ridiculous because we need the hitscan heros to fight against pharah buthanzo and widow oneshot most of the heros relativly easily from a safe distance and they have good escape abilities. id like them to reduce pharahs mid air movement like what they did with doomfist ru that way shes easier to hit and then nerf the sniper damage by 50 % so they can still headshot but for half her health instead of all of it

Dude, you have real talent! VERY good impression. You laid it on a bit thick at times, but really good!

I kinda agree, but kinda dont. I’m always sceptical of boiling things down to pure numbers. Long term averages dont really count for much unless you distance yourself from the game.

Plus, i’m more concerned about the experience of the players - widow in the back chilled out popping shots and player in the front line fighting hard, getting popped for an instakill…well, when you’re shot like that it feels horrible and unfair. Plus, the widow in the back is having a lovely time, chilled out shooting shots and being massively rewarded for it.

The risk/reward balance is really off, and i’d say that’s one of the reasons for a widow and/or hanzo being in literally every QP game.