So I did intensive testing

perks are designed for 6v6

dying = no leveling your perks

6v6 gives you better survivability. also lets sombra be less oppressive (especially when she completely negates your 5v5 tank. like all disabilities were taken away and given only to tanks but hers. huh)

5v5 is unforgiving, bad teammates are felt more when you’re also waiting for teammates to respawn

switching heroes in 5v5 puts you way behind in leveling perks, counter picking puts a greater stress on team, especially if you’re a tank and have to switch heroes

no one wants to play games and get steam rolled.

6v6 will come out on top. thanks!

Dont die then… that makes you the bad team mate, btw, right?

This aint counter strike. I make it very clear to the team from the very beginning, if I die as tank, GL getting any progress. Thats non verbal communication btw… tank there, kills, no one dies; tank not there, death and destruction, lol.

OK, nvm, the 5v6 argument has been going on for ages. You want 6v6, what are the arguements you present for it? Its coming anyway.

Im not against it, wouldnt mind having an interesting 6v6 mode. We played a bunch of iterations of it though, truth is, it is boring for the tanks who moved on. They need to spice it up.

Sombra? Since when is this a metric. I do 20kilometers per sombra, 20KPS? Cant even take this seriously, sry.

Perks are, mm ok. I could do pretty much the same thing without them. Im a VERY proud tank… I get steam rolled sometimes, nature of the game. There is either someone faster, smarter or bigger (like a stack) than you, never all 3 at once. Use what resources (this includes team mates), info and skill you have to overcome the challange that is presented to you. This is the game, not just aim at a,b,c. I always appraoch it like a little puzzle, or cat and mouse game. Honestly I love the hunt more than the kill, but sometimes you are the hunted, so you gotta play the mouse.

If you want to have a cerebral experience out of OW, you need to put in the effort first.
Here are some tips.
Tank Rule #1 (golden rule): Love your team, you are nothing without them, they are nothing without you
Tank Rule #2: You see more than your team, movements, cooldowns (alot of them will be aimed at you anyway), so you are the defacto scout, inform your team. ping that widow location (f.ex. I got it on middle mouse button)
Tank Rule #3: Dont ego play, you are more worth alive, than dead. There are rare situations where you go all in and suicide. Goes back to rule #1 actually. Also if you are not IT, you help the player that is IT.
Tank Rule #4: You pick up the pieces if the team falls apart. You are the only one who can do it without losing a sweat.
Tank Rule #5: If you ask for strength, you have been given difficulties to make you strong, if you ask for wisdom, you have been given problems to solve, if you fear, you have been given dangers to overcome

Lose your melange way of looking at things, you might even enjoy this game in the end.

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dude - aint no one going to read your wall of text.

When I saw how perks would work, I wondered if a by product would be reduced counter swapping.

Doubt it’ll stop people, but it’ll certainly make them think twice.

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I won so many games now, not realizing I forgot to pick the perks. Easy opponents I guess.

Its too early to see real impact, yet.

Probably more people haven’t figured out how to use perks well yet. Or, like I’ve seen some say, the muscle memory just isn’t there for it, so they pick perks and just fluff their lines when they have them.