Solo competitive is the most unfun experience I've ever had in any game

I really like this game. I do. But the more I play solo competitive the more I want to try out other games.

Won 9 games in my placements, had 1 draw and got placed at 2800sr and now it feels like the entire community has changed.
I had so much fun playing the 10 placement games. Everyone was nice even when it looked like we were losing and it just feels like I got placed into a completely different community now and every game is just frustrating. No matter if we’re losing or not.

I don’t know if I’m just terrible at the game and it’s all my fault. All I know is that I’m not having fun anymore.

The only reason I’m still playing is because I actually like the game.

I’m just here for help. What am I doing wrong? How can I enjoy the game like you do? I really want to :frowning:


You sound like someone who never played team based multiplayer PvP games. Toxic people are present in all of them and it’s very easy to stumble upon these players if you play a lot of matches with new/random players in each. You can avoid them by teaming up for several matches with players you like. The easiest (but not the only) way is using LFG.

Solo queue is fun only if you like flexing and you are willing to lower your expectations (because of higher chance of bad teams and defeats) and you can remain calm in the presence of toxic people.

I had absolutely the same feeling few months ago. Then I bought alt account and the game was fun again for a while but even alt account won’t save you from the devastating reality of Overwatch:

It’s a great game on paper and if everything is controlled it’s great in real life as well OWL or World Cup matches are amazing and so much fun to watch… But then you try to play it and it’s disgusting, throwers every second game, smurfs deranking just to crush lover skilled players, one-tricks unwilling to switch, tun of toxicity, players which are not mentaly capable of understanding what team is and how to play team based games etc…

So my advice… run away from this game and find something less popular where are people who actually want to play the game properly. Because Overwatch doesn’t gonna get any better any time soon

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Those are premade stable teams with synergy, not random solo queuers. With LFG it’s possible to recruit a team that isn’t clueless and can execute basic strategies.

For some reason you haven’t followed your own advice.

A smaller playerbase doesn’t guarantee a lower percentage of toxic players. Reminds me of Q3 and CS servers with much smaller but more hardcore/pro communities. They are quite often toxic and don’t tolerate players who are lower skilled than them despite the fact that the level of dependency on each other is much less in those games.

The popularity of overwatch is actually a good thing when it comes to the size of the playerbase. Some people don’t enjoy this game because it’s team based with very high level of dependency on each other. You can’t solo this game. For this reason it won’t work for those who are unwilling to build their own team and expect high quality from random teams.

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Im going to be honest. The state of the game right now, in my opinion is lame.
People get frustrated a lot, they get angry at everyone, yell, tell you to suicide…and that even in PTR serves trying a character or in qp. In competitive is worse.

Add to that, the balance state of the match with doomfist or briggite in every com to grant a victory. Smurfs and the last nail in the coffin…aimbot in my last match.

Is sad cause as you, I love the game, I took a break but didnt help, the management of the game also was terrible lately and the buffs nerfs were damaging the game, the cc skills now flood the game taking the experience from you.
My suggestion after all this little rant, sorry for it…is to reduce the time playing take breaks, play quickplay for just silliness or fun. Play with friends if you can. But avoid solo queueing or trying the competitive.
In competitive the amount of frustration you can get is huge and the reward is so little…and even if you win, you feel like you dont have fun anymore.
thats my advice, of course is not the best one, but hey…I hope it works for you.
P.S with all smurfs and skilled people around, and of course that im a casual gamer i always feel like I suck.


The game is toxic from a the bottom up. The fact that the game tells me I’m worse over time as I continually learn more about it is inherently toxic. OW would benefit from Splatoon 2’s competitive rankings. I’m sure there are better solutions but that is the most obvious one to me at the moment. Oh an when you win, you get barely any increase in rank. If your mmr is set in stone it encourages alt accounts etc. It’s best to play this game for fun not for competition.

If had more fun solo then in group, because the friends i wanna play with and trust are all higher elo then me well not anymore tho they quit now :frowning: 1 of them does’t like that i one trick Brigitte :rofl:

Rank is relative, it depends not only on your skills but the skills of other players. In the end the distribution of players across ranks is a bell curve in which your skills are compared to other players’ skills. AFAIK toxic is used to describe people not other kinds of entities like games (but I might be wrong). The urban dictionary has a very good definition of this word.

Learning/knowing more isn’t necessarily enough to achieve a specific goal. However, you might be able to achieve that goal by mastering only a few but well chosen skills at a very high level. Translating this to OW: if you can play 20 heros at gold level, then you are still only gold in this game. However, if you can play only one or a few heros, but on master level, then you are a master.

In my experience it isn’t set in stone but certain playstyles make it very difficult to climb. When I was flexing I was stuck in high silver and low gold. By playing only my best (DPS) heros I could climb. Probably because of PBSR.

Competition or not, it should be fun. I never understood those who experience “playing” this game as a chore or source of extreme anger/frustration.

mmr / matchmaking - Is this a joke

the first seasons were bad, now it’s a tragedy … the first 3/4 seasons the level was leveled (frequent overtimes often win/lose due to a well-done ult) NOW WE DESTROY THE OPPONENT OR HE US, ZERO EQUAL LEVEL OF THE GAME. THIS IS LIKE TO PLAY WITH BOTS OR AGAINST BOTS, CHAT, TROLLING IS ONLY FUN IN OW FROM SEASON 6


The game is progressing aka everyone is getting better. You dont have 1-2 on each team randomly “trying” something but effectively doing nothing for 15s during a crucial fight.

The game is also more team focused and counters are all possible.

So the “base” level to have a “basic, fair” match of higher than at launch.

If you dont have perfect 6x setup out of spawn, dont stand in correct spot, dont instantly swap to counter ult in next fight…you instantly lose…pretty high standards for soloq where majority bought a shooter and wanted to dps.

as I remember the rounds where overtime could last for 1/2 a minute :slight_smile: on the point, now it goes from point to point, im stops noticingto difference between playing with bots and people, not counting the chat

I feel EXACTLY the same way. I loved this game when I first got it. Now it just frustrates the living hell out me, even QP!

I think it’s me though, I like balanced games where the skill of the player reflects how often they kill you. I play a lot of BF and Rainbow 6 Siege (which has different operators with different abilities, but you are still able to fairly 1v1 each other, unlike OW) and dont tend to get all that annoyed when someone kills me (unless it’s a jammy spray and pray headshot in Rainbow). I don’t mind a Widow or Hanzo killing me when I see they’ve tracked me really well or hit me multiple times. Its getting killed by unbalanced abilities that gets me. Certain Heros reward an easy to perform ability too much (Hogs hook, Moiras no aim needed and orbs, Brigittes passive heal and stun, McCrees flash and fan, Mei freezing you, just Doomfist in general, Hanzo storm arrow spamming you) which results in them constantly being picked and the ability killing you, not then player skill.

But that’s the whole point of this game, different heros with different abilities, but I do think since Moira is has started shifting a bit too far to abilities and is nearing a stage I no longer enjoy, I’ve started playing less and less and think I’ll eventually stop playing altogether.

At least you realised, unlike many other OW players.

The game is balanced if played/treated as a team game. The two teams can pick the same heros at any time so they must be balanced. Heros in 1v1 aren’t supposed to be balanced, some are actually designed to be hard counters to some other heros.

Since OW is a team game with high dependency on team mates and a lot of heros with very different abilities and a lot of complex interactions between them “skill” also has a much more complex definition than in classic FPS games. Aiming skills are only one of the many skills and positioning is a much more difficult skill in this game due to the diversity of abilities and generally closer combat than in most shooter games.

A lot of those things are the results of bad positioning or lack of teamplay.

Those who think that certain heros are very good or OP should pick them. Free SR that requires no skills. Or not?

I think the game became significantly better this year (if we treat it as a team game not an 1v1 one). A lot of players might enjoy it much less and less because they get bored of it. Everything is more exciting when it’s new and full of novelty (and for players who start constant complaining after some experience: nostalgia about their early good experience) and it might take time to find out that a game isn’t your favourite especially in case of a game as complex and OW. You haven’t played much (174 levels), in my opinion in OW it takes at least 100 levels to learn the basics. Up until that point the novelty alone provides tons of entertainment for most players.

I’m going to skip the entire balance-battle, and try addressing your question.

Do you play the same heroes as you did during your placements? Did you play at a different time of day, or day of the week, than you play now? And mainly; are you winning or losing more games now?

I think the first placement might be a bit forgiving based on my experience of starting competitive on 3 different accounts.

One reason can be that in the first competitive season on an account the MMR is copied from quick play. In quick play a lot of higher rank people play simply to learn new heros, experiment, etc… So basically a lot of experienced/ranked players underperform for various reasons and your performance is compared to theirs until starting to play competitive.

I played drunk and dropped to gold … HOW you can play it all, the gold level is not playable !!! this time I said goodbye permanently with OW

I thought that platinum and diamond is bad, gold is TOTALY SH… !!!
a waste of time and nerves, I think only kids play gold to waste their time !!!

It looks like you get lucky in your placement matches and get carried a lot.
Ranked much to high and now you are dropping to a rank you should have started in. So you are the reason the groups you have to play in are loosing. So of course there will be some hate. (problem of the system -> i think it is better for players to always start in bronze, remove the placement match. And if you are too good for that level(not looking at the win/loose rating but at more individual stats) you should climb a lot faster then you can do now in the current system -> would solve smurf account problem too, because climbing goes a lot faster then dropping)

Maybe you should drop to a rank you belong at by joining a group that is dropping to bronze on purpose, you see a lot these days. Look at your stats and figure out what rank is more fitting for you. Then drop to it as fast as possible. So you can start enjoying the game again. Without getting blamed for all the losses.

I know what you mean. Have been in gold for ages. Complaining on forum would always just respond with it is you: get better.
But gold solo queue is a 50%50% chance you have at least one, mostly a couple of complete useless people who just keep running in solo, even when the rest of your group is regrouping they keep on running in solo. If you are lucky you have less useless players then the enemy and you can win.
Even a diamond (even haired from an ex master) cant carry so much.
And climbing out of it will be very slowly, or you have to be very lucky on the 50% 50% dice rolls.
Best way to climb out of it, is only group with players that play together. Dont solo queue.(or do it as less as possible).
When you use lfg you play with and against with teams who at least try to work together.(check their stats first though so dps have more then 10k/10min damage etc…) . Especially on diva you should be able to carry , keep your healers alive against divers and dive the hitscans who most of the time dont even jump down in gold when under pressure in a 1vs1 against diva in gold.

For me the biggest issue is the match-making. It’s just trash, there’s no other word to describe it. Oh, you got 3 Mercy mains or 5 (other) DPS Gods (because you’re the best naturally) on your team? Better luck next time! Give us the goddamn role queue already and actually start banning people for poor teamwork. And you should get banned in comp A LOT easier and A LOT faster and for A LOT longer.

How the hell do you justify that one asshole fu*king up the game for the other 5 or 11 people? It’s a goddamn team based hero shooter! One’s “right” to play whatever he/she wants should not ruin it for the rest of us. Get 10 reports within, say 2 hours, and your banned for a week. If you still don’t get it, the next ban is a month. Punish the leavers with -500 SR. If your internet or toaster of a PC can’t handle it, you shouldn’t be playing in ranked.

Remove all the golden guns, make competitive matches last longer by forcing people to play with that one group for 3-4 maps so that people get the strengths and weaknesses of the teams and your team mates might actually start feeling a bit more like team mates instead of random assholes that are only there to make your life as miserable as possible. Allow teams to vote a hero (within your team) unplayable in that game. Don’t let people without a mic in ranked and don’t allow people to opt out from voice chat. And remove private profiles, I just can’t see the reasoning behind that genious move you made… You can’t make everything for every one, just accept it already.

But for the love of God, ADD ROLE QUEUE! That’s literally the only way you can save the game mode… If your team want’s to run something else than “the standard” 2-2-2, add a voting option that allows your team to break it. And if the role queue won’t work, just remove it. Just stop with the “we’re learning to walk before we run” crap you’ve been serving the player base for at least a year now… Let us test it in action and you’ll see, we were right the whole time…

I might be hard-stuck in gold and some of this might get fixed with a simple git gud on my part. But the fact is, gold/plat are the biggest elos which in turn mean that where a master/GM gets 1 moron per 1-3 games, I get 2-3 morons per game. How the hell am I (or anyone for that matter) supposed to git gud when after an hour of comp Id rather stuck needles in my eyes than play this game.

Edit: And seriously, why the fuk isnt Ashe in comp?

One single tip, that will get you out of gold. It will sound r3tarded, and it will annoy you to no end that it’s even necessary, but it works.

Look at what your teammates are doing. The one that does something good, or a random one really if you can’t find a good objective; help them do that thing. Ignore everything else, just help someone achieve whatever they’re trying to achieve, over and over again.

Since at these ranks, the vast majority plays solo ignoring everybody else, the fact that you have two people working together all the time will be a huge advantage. Even if whatever you end up helping to achieve is completely useless most of the time, by doing it constantly you will also be doing useful stuff a lot.

Honestly, trust me enough to try this for 10 matches. No matter what you think (even if you’re right thinking that) you should be doing, ignore it, help someone. If they happen to be doing what you think you should do, GREAT. If not, bite your tongue.

10 matches. Try it. It works. Then do it for 50 matches in a row and leave gold way the h3ll behind.