Solo que and Stack que

Please Blizzard. Give us a solo que, i dont care if group que has to wait longer. Im tired of being a solo player going vs stacks


Seems unlikely. It’s a social game that they want you to play with friends, hence the loosening of the group restrictions in diamond and below next season.

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There might just be one in the next season.
The team mentioned something about a separate solo queue for season 9 during blizzcon

I think it will still be done internally by the matchmaker. They were only talking about 5 stacks. So technically you will still face any stacked number of players below that number.

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Yeah. It will just be matching like for like, in both size of stack and rank range.

Thats fine, but i dont have any friends playing it. Its unfair if a group of 3-4-5 goes against solos

I usually play solo. But I don’t see any issues with it. Just another challenge to beat.

Luckily the changes coming to season 9, will loosen groups and tighten up the matching to make sure stacks are match with like for like stacks more often.

Just give people the option. group que, single can still join for filling purposes. or single que.

I don’t think that would improve things. Part of the ranked experience is working your way through better players, worse players, stacks, and all the other nonsense the game can throw at you.

If you start stripping those variables away, you will have a very stale game, with a split player base.

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I do agree with that, but its no fun for me if a face a 3-4-5 stack communicating in discord/playstation chat whatever and work as a team. As oppose to me on my own with nobody in the overwatch chat. I can attack a support and within 2 seconds the team turns to me, when i attack, even while pinging people are reacting to late. I dont see harm in splitting the community, it would also mean that stacks go vs stacks, so no stomps/rolls on either side

Yeah. It can be a pain to overcome, but that is a power skill to have. If you can bring a unit together with actions rather than communication.

Right now, numbers are good, so it probably wouldn’t do great harm. But if you look at open queue… it is a chaotic mess because of the very low player count in that mode. You add extra modes for stack sizes… some are just going to be a mess.

They did try a 5 stack only mode. Given that it hasn’t returned, and they’ve said zero about it… I think it is safe to assume it didn’t quite go as they planned.

True. But 5 stack was 5 stack,Most stacka are 3-4, not 5

Yeah. Which is why I think the option they’ve gone for for Season 9 is probably the best option.

Stacks matched more like for like. So if you have a 3 stack of a Gold tank, Silver DPS and Diamond support and 2 solo player… the enemy will have as close as possible to the exact same.

Yeah, but doesnt solve anything. Almost nobody uses OW voice chat . As most groups use playstation chat or discord. As a solo player i am not communicating while the enemy stacks are

As a solo player I would really appreciate a checkbox “match with solo players only” to avoid stacks/win traders/boosters. I’m ready to pay with extra waiting time.