[Solved] My endorsement level disappeared after a ban


So last week I got pretty tilted and that led to me being pretty toxic, resulting in a much needed ban, I don’t usually get like that, but I was just having one of those “off” days, y’know?

Anyway, so I’ve started playing again today, for the last three hours actually, and I’ve noticed I no longer have an endorsement level.

I can understand resetting it back to 1, that’d be understandable, but it’s completely removed! Not only that, but people can still endorse me too, which, if having no endorsement level at all is a punishment for being banned, surely they shouldn’t be allowed to endorse me, right?

Is this a bug, permanent, or will I eventually gain an endorsement level again given enough time and votes?

Thank you.

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The average mindless moronic Overwatch player goes “HURRR DURRR JUST STAHP BEING SO TOXIC~!” This company that wants you to grind for “good boy” points when in reality all it has done is the exact opposite and has only enabled the worst of the community.


I don’t really understand what you’re getting at, lol. If you’re calling me an “average mindless moronic Overwatch player” then okay… still don’t get it, but okay.

I already found an answer to my question anyway, after so many more endorsements my level came back, although it’s been reset to 1, which doesn’t bother me at all, I was only level 3 before, it’s just nice to actually see it, even if it doesn’t mean anything to me.


If it doesn’t mean anything to you, then why did you make this post?.. lol

You completely missed the point. I literally insult my team going as attack Widow and received 6 endorsements. I go Mercy on attack carrying my trash team with 5 gold carrying the payload with a POTG and I got reported for “abusive chat” and “gameplay sabotage” with 0 endorsements. That tells you a lot on how stupid the endorsements are.


No that tells me that the system works and toxic players gets the punsishment they deserve…


This just goes how mentally indoctrinated you are. I do not pity you.


Nice… keep being toxic and you can earn you a forumban too… just proves my point…


This post shows a complete lack of understanding of the game, and it’s quite obvious what your behavior was like in the second match you describe.

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Wait so we don’t have to ask for an option to hide our endorsement levels when we can just hide them by being extremely toxic and getting banned? I’m currently on a summer vacation from this game so getting banned for a week or even two wouldn’t effect me in any way and don’t want other people to see my endorsement levels so I might even do this because I’d rather have it be hidden than lvl 1 when I play. Thanks for the heads up!

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I saw someone in a game today with no endorsement level. I knew it went back down to 1 but I didn’t know it disappeared. Maybe it’ll come back after a day or two. Maybe you’re endorsement level is 0 :open_mouth: lol idk

I’ve received more “ironic” endorsements than legit ones, and I hardly ever get endorsed at times I truly feel I deserve it. As I predicted long ago, this system just brings out the worst in many people. Reporting also. It’s like when the Stazi insisted that you were a good person for ratting out as many of your friends and family as possible; “being good” is now a weapon.

Because I was curious to see what actually happened to it, wondered if it was a bug or not… no point people wasting their endorsements on me if it’s not gonna’ do anything lol. Like I said though, after so many endorsements it did eventually reset to 1, lol.

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How was this solved did it come back after the banned?

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id like to know it too

I got banned too lol. This game its so soft, you cant even say “EZ” “BOT LOBBY” or even “TRASH” to a bad teammate specially when they ruin your competitive ranking without getting banned or silenced

Endorsement level goes to 0 (I was 4) then youll recover it eventually… I got silenced once and it went to 0

This is a princess game, thats why Rivals its better

yo, Marvel Rivals is infested with Bots though^^