Sombra emp rework suggestion (workshop and descriprion)

Code: E4FE4
It has “ult charge” to set the ultimate charge to 100% on the ultimate status button for testing purposes, don’t use more than one on the team at a time, cause it can break.

It’s just the ultimate, all the variables can be changed, including cast time.

What I did is made Sombra throw a small projectile, which can be activated by pressing the ultimate button the second time, otherwise will activate on it’s own in 4 seconds. The projectile will start glowing and rising up a bit in order to be visible (the effect doesn’t have to be so bright) and after a cast time of (in this case) 3 seconds will use EMP.

This change is supposed to give the enemy team a time to react to such a devastating ult, make the ultimate safer to use for Sombra herself and perhaps allow Sombra to have other parts of her kit buffed/reworked, since the ultimate is not as threatening anymore.

Once again: the cast time, speed of the projectile and everything else can be adjusted, this is only a prototype.
Will be glad to hear feedback.

It does literally zero damage, it’s only devastating to Zenyatta. The trick to stopping Sombra from ulting is not feeding. You want a 3 second windup for an ability that doesn’t kill? That’s the same length of time as’s insta-kill nuke.

Erm… It is literally the biggest team fight winning ult in the game. That is what he means by “devastating”.

That explains Sombra’s 0% pick rate, she’s so powerful that she’s hacked the game to make herself bad.

In low ranks she doesn’t get played because people have zero coordination.

In the higher ranks, where meta is followed she is played most of the time as Sombra Reaper is the meta right now.

Coordination being key.

Maybe the next experimental patch should increase her team’s willingness to coordinate from 0% to 10%.

If only the game could do that.

Sadly you have to try be the positive force that brings everyone together!! Believe in the team!

Being positive in a negative situation is not healthy.

But based on your comments on here, I don’t think you are having a “healthy” time playing lol.

I just have fun and vibe. If people want to be in voice and not communicate. I will just make jokes about having to the chat volume down and roll on.