Sombra mechanics

i think that they should bring back sombra mechanics from overwatch 2 beta.
at least translocator.
leaving teleport at healing station to teleport when you are low was way more fun that just normal teleport.
that my opinion

Nah. People were whining about her being too easy to play, which i kind of agree on, but they should’ve increased the TP range slightly imho and given virus a charge up time like hack, so you’d have to be careful with what you engage with.

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Sombra was too annoying pre-update. whenever she was low she had a get out of jail free card. TP broken? Make a new one. And you cant guard the TP as it would remove you from the game.
Sombra was and still is tricky to kill due to constant movement, semi-low translocate, which makes her invis. Although overall i dont think she provides much input to a team, as she provides just an annoyance to the enemy, and is really just good at pinging enemies and getting players who are split from the team.

I dotn think stealth has ANY place in this game, they should get rid of that as a fair trade for the old translocator but yep they aint bringing that back.

Or at the bare minimum keep it on a meter, so sombra has to activate it and let the meter go down, like orisa shooting or dva matrixing

Totally agree on the stealth part. I know it’s her signature ability but it gives her so much advantage it’s beyond stupid…

I usually have fun playing OW… until an enemy Sombra shows up. Like I said in other topics; I can deal with her, that’s not the issue. The issue is that she’s unfun to play against.

At the very least make her more visible. Say instead of being transparant make her translucent, as there is a difference in density between her and the air some light should reflect, or at least refract, similar to hot air. Next time you look above a flame you will see the air is all like wiggly, this is because of refraction. Maybe have this, so shes still hard to see, but not impossible if ur looking for her