Some suggestions for Mercy

Just wanted to put out one suggestion about a mercy rework and see other suggestions of how to fix her :slight_smile:

One thing that popped into my head is:
Ult is a static bubble of aoe heal of ±70 hps and anti heal resonating from the player or a short distance projectile similar to something like Zaria grav with the bubble being the size of Mai frost ult and lasting like 5-8 sec
E is a guardian angle anchor functioning similar to Zim teleport in animation when deployed lasting like 15-20 sec with a cooldown of 25-30 sec
and after that a question of balance with main heal and ult regen if it favors more the heal being ±60 hps or getting the ult faster

This sounds very similar to a static transcendence. This would diminish the skill expression in Mercys ult, as your ult serves a similar function as Valk but without the ability to switch to damage boost on the fly. What do you mean by “anti-heal”? Something like Ana’s grenade?

It’s interesting, but finding a suitable GA target shouldn’t usually be a problem. If allies aren’t in your LOS then the team is doing something majorly wrong. Is finding GA targets a problem for you?

How does your suggestions fix her? What were the problems with her kit to begin with, in your opinion, and how do your suggestions fix them?

With the bubble yes I was thinking antai heal like Ana has but also once you put it down you can heal as well with your primary heal or damage boost and you could use it as an area of denial to capture or defend a point, and with the anchor you could use it to get to high ground when you want, having los isn’t a problem if you and your team have some basic game sence, this would be more useful as a way to get in the air or get odd angles for cover or to setup for the ult.

This is just a random thought mostly to get to see if I could get some suggestions from people other than just minor tweeks for her current state or a full rework

I personally have no problems with Valk as an ult. I got a great suggestion on a previous thread that her primary target in Valk gets extra healing which I thought was a nice and elegant way to sneak in a little extra skill expression into its usage as you still have to target prioritise to get the most out of it, which was cool. Sometimes in Valk you’re just casually targeting any ally because you know everyone’s getting the same level of healing, so there’s less decision making there. Small change, but small changes are good as they improve the hero without making too drastic a change.

Here’s my rework if you’re interested. It’s more focused on fixing the general kit more than dealing with the ult:

They should just revert her HPS and maybe have her res generate some ult charge rather than just the useless f*cking “I’M ON FIRE” gauge. I risked my damn fine backside for that res and all I get is a flimsy addition to my on-fire gauge. No thank you.