Some "Titles" should be Role-Contextual

Its really weird to have a “Masters Challenger” DPS Player in your G2 Match !
“Medic” and many other Titles are self explaining or just Global, Funny or “i finished a challenge”.
But having said Player doing less dmg then your Supports with “that title 3 Ranks above you” is just a invitation for Reports and Toxicity towards this Player.

I am not flaming!
I am just saying it is very misleading and i am sure it leads to alot of Toxicity towards those Players.

GL & HF Gamerz !

If you’re reporting someone just because they aren’t playing as well as you think they should be… You need to stop playing.

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Thats part of the Point!
Those Titles can (in the described Scenario) bring up false Expectations.
Its actually not fair to those who have those Titles in a “false Context”.
People could think they throw or derank.
And since OW2 is already more Toxic then the end days of OW1 ever were … i was making a suggestion to prevent atlest this stuff.

GL & HF !

The titles are pointless.

But if someone is making assumptions and getting toxic about. That’s their problem to solve, not the games.

Toxicity is a people problem, not a game problem.