Soon banned for one tricking, what to do?

So i got a warning today, that my behaviour is not in line with how most players act etc, ive been reported for gameplay sabotage etc, further behaviour will result in suspension/ban.

and i dont know what to do? I have only been one tricking widow. Last time i contacted blizzard support on my main account they kind of ignored me when i said that i wasnt intentionally feeding or throwing, seems hard to prove lol (I was suspended 24hrs), so now this has happened on my alt account, well not suspended yet but on my way. Its usually people in your team saying to report (me) in match chat so others also cluelessly report me. What should i do?

Just to clarify im not throwing, or feeding, or doing anything that should be bannable, instead people are doing things to me that are bannable (false reporting).

I met some guy who had played only sym and torb this season, 19 hrs each if i remember correctly and he was supposedly whitelisted from being banned. That would be nice… Obviously this is also one of the reasons i created an alt account, so i wouldnt get accidentally banned on my main.

This was my last conversation with Blizzard support on my main account:

2 weeks ago
I was recently banned from Overwatch. I was playing a game on lijiang tower and as soon as the game ended i got banned. My teammates had been telling people in Match Chat to report me for playing widow and in their opinion throwing. When they early on in the match nicely asked me to switch i told them i wont switch. I was only playing the character i wanted too. I was trying. I wasnt purposefully trying to lose like they said. I believe i can play whatever i want since i paid for this game and i have read on mutiple forum posts that one tricking is not bannable, even a post by Jeff Kaplan himself. I believe they, for accusing me and telling other people in the game to ban me, should be punished themselves, and punished for false reporting. I also believe this is an automated system that handed out my ban and what is stated in the mail “After analysis of the evidence, we have Suspended your Overwatch account” isnt true. I hope you can look into my case, perhaps log the chat or whatever it is you do. Thanks in advance.

2 weeks ago
Just to add a little:

"Let’s be clear here and not confuse policy:

One Tricking is not bannable and should not be reported (it even says so in the text)

Throwing is bannable and should be reported. We appreciate your help here.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system." Quote Jeff Kaplan.

I have also read on multiple forum posts that these “Automated suspensions”, which is in direct opposite of what i was told in the e-mail i got (what analysis?), are not able to be lifted. Completely absurd. Lift my suspension ASAP because i have done nothing wrong here.

1 week ago
This ticket was marked as Resolved.

1 week ago
Hi Jonathan,

Your Account has been suspened for 24h. So the penatly will go away. Rest assured that we are checking every suspension. You got reported by a very considerable number of different players for feeding. So we won´t be lifting your suspension.

Best regards.

Oh yeah btw this is posted on my main.

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One tricking Pharah got you banned? You might be the first ever player to achieve that. Seriously, if I am not getting banned for playing Roadhog, a character who is not suited for this meta, this much why are you?

Forgot to add this happened on my alt where i have 20 hrs of widowmaker this season.

LoL for a moment reading the heading of this thread I thought the professional OWL player “Soon” got banned for one tricking :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I mean, the 11 other players also paid for the game, so you can’t legitimately deny them the right to have a game with players who play like it’s supposed to be played : by adapting to ennemy comp and switching if necessary.

If you go in with the mindset “I’m gonna play this game and not switch”, you’re basically admitting that you’re not willing to adapt to the needs of your team.
You have the right to play what you want, but you also have the right not to be egoistical and switch. Strangely, you don’t seem to eager to exerce this last right.

I’ll be honest, I’m totally against one-tricking. Especially people who create accounts for only 1 character, like you’re willing to play different characters but not on the same account ? If that’s not just for the purpose of boasting “yeah, I’m a XXXX one-trick, i’m so cool” I don’t get the point at all.

I don’t know if you were useless or not in your Lijiang game. But if you weren’t hitting anything, were getting countered, etc… and decided still to not switch to something more useful to your team, just because “it was your widow one-trick account”, then you deserve your incoming ban imo.
The excuse that “you paid the game so you can do whatever you want” is a lie you tell yourself. You can do whatever you want in custom / coop. If you play in matchmade game, you have the duty not to have fun at the expense of at least your teammates. If you’re not respectful enough to do that, too bad for you.

In real life, when a kid says “i can do whatever i want, i don’t care about you”, he ends up playing alone in a corner with no friends. Same online, don’t want to try and adapt to play with others ? Too bad, nothing forces them to accept you.

I sure sound harsh but that’s my stance on the matter. In the end, it’s all about respecting others. Somehow, in all the online games i’ve played, I’ve never been warned a single time for anything, and I don’t even make any effort to achieve that. It’s not that hard to be polite / respectful, even trolls / toxic people have never given me a hard time following that belief. It’s all about self-discipline.


Overwatch is a Team-based shooter, if you’re not willing to play with your team and pick heroes that your team needs then you’re legitimately throwing and deserve a suspension.
If you want to try out new heroes or just play for fun then Custom games and Quick play are the game modes you play in.
as It’s name suggests, Competitive mode is for people who want to win and will try their best to do so, not play Widow when you’re team needs a Zen or an Orisa.


As an experienced Widow-player I can tell you that on certain maps you cannot play her without pretty much feeding the entire round. And unless you are playing her as a masters player, there are even more.

I don’t know what your scoped and crit accuracy is, or your average eliminations, so I don’t know where you’re at skill-wise, but it’s likely you’re not at a level where you can one-trick her and not feed in atleast a third of your matches.

Edit: Let me simplify a bit. Intentionally feeding is gameplay sabotage. You actually try not to die, so you don’t consider yourself to be doing this. On maps where Widowmaker is simply unplayable without a really high skill level, you can’t avoid feeding if you pick her. On other maps where the opposing team directly counters widow, you can’t avoid feeding if you pick her.

You intentionally play Widowmaker in these situations. You intentionally play a hero which can’t do anything other than feed. You intentionally feed.

It’s not about refusing to switch heroes. It is about insisting on being cannon fodder.

It is not a reportable offense to play any hero (meta or not) as long as you are genuinely trying your best for your team to win. What’s the point in one-tricking? Can you tell that Widow is always good in every map/situation? I don’t think so… Definitely there are occasions when we prefer that Widow to switch, do what you can but also work with your team and be willing to adapt if necessary.
You won’t get banned if you coop with your teammates. Everyone wants to win!


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Not sure if ironic or serious here.

I don’t main a hero. I play widow when i dps and she’s feasible, but way more often i play against her when tanking or DPSing. She’s real trouble on some maps, not an issue at all on some, but can be managed on most. Dive her or harass her.

Basically everyone playing this game is like a sheep, If you don’t want to be banned wrongly accuse somebody else first of throwing and make them the scapegoat for the loss before somebody blames you. “Report x for throwing” is all that’s needed for mass reports against them, no evidence required. Or maybe your team is a 5 stack and you will get 5 false reports against you because you did not play the character they wanted.

And who decides if we are trying ? Blizzard or the group of 5 friends that want us to play another character.

We want to play our favourite character that we feel fits our personal play style. The rules say we can.

Not true if enough 5 stacks abuse the report system.


instapick mercy, and go platinum by just pressing one button, then you will have all the rights to trash talk other ppl who are in lower ranks, with a non meta hero they like.

We are in memewatch after all

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Every other dps in the game is likely to have the rest of the team next to them, and it would take a truly suicidal Dva to solo-dive them. The widow will be alone, and if she’s busy trying to grapple to safety before getting a face full of rockets she’s not shooting anyone across the map. Genji, tracer, sombra, dva and to some extent winston can all force her to surrender a good position with minimal risk.

You can either listen to advice and learn to play against a hero you obviously struggle against, or you can insist that she’s broken and keep dying to her.

Your choice.

Do you have any suggestions how Blizzard can do things better OP? It’s the opinions/interpretations of your peers which have caused you this.

I suggest that Blizzard reviews and enforces their own rules and not leaves it to an automated system that is clearly abused, they should take action against people who are abusing it like they say they will.

Maybe a report against somebody from 5 other players all in the same group together should be automatically flagged and reviewed fully.

“While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable and will result in penalties to your account.”

Somebody telling the whole game to “report x for x” should itself be punishable.

Ban them all for their false reports.

This is pretty silly to be honest. It’s always the torbs, symetras and widow’s who get banned all the time mostly for false reports . But why don’t we see DVA’s getting banned when they refuse to switch when there is a zarya in enemy team, or a winston when there is a reaper / briggite in the enemy team. Why don’t we see Brigitte players reported when enemy team has a Phara or/and a junkrat in enemy team , and the list goes on.

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Part of the reason they got both these heroes in the pipeline for a rework.

I suspect the issue here is how practical this is to achieve.

We know the total player base has reached 40 million but are unsure what the current number of active players are (as Blizzard don’t publish server activity other than most picked heroes etc.)

All we do know is there are a hell of a lot of players and a lot of these will use that report function. I suspect Blizzard simply do not have the resource to investigate as many cases as you would like.

Blizzard is obviously run by greedy basterds, who unleashed an autoban system without providing a proper GM staff on its side upon their playerbase. Their incompetent GMs aren’t going to help you with your appeals, all those clueless inept monkeys are capable of is spouting bulllshet excuses packaged in premade templates at your tickets prior closing them. Leaving this game and letting it die will be my only advice to all of those who got shafted by blizzards disfunct support/report system.

It was only introduced in December…

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