Soon banned for one tricking, what to do?

I should have known that ppl report you because you don’t play/one trick mercy :(((

I mean if your DPS is as good as your reading skills I can see why people misunderstand you for being a thrower.

Yet, op is getting reported for that reason

I don’t even play on this account, except every now and then when a friend wants to duo. It’s the first OW account I got, and jumped straight into comp at lvl 25. Not something I can recommend. It is, however, the account I have all my other Blizzard games on, so that’s what I’m posting on.

A good position for widow is one where she is protected, have safe escape routes, and good sight lines. There are very few that offers all three. And honestly, if you struggle against a badly positioned widow, you should really learn to take advice…

Yeah Raven kind of bites his own tail.

this argument is complete BS if you follow this reasoning you eventually end up advocating that the only characters playable should be the only 6 with best winrates in your bracket. Noone wants that.

Besides I dont think a bunch of bronze players (no matter how many of them) are qualified to validate which chars work or dont on any map or to counter any comp most dont even know the maps and position of healthpacks, they dont understand chokepoints they dont know what is a dive they don’t know the kits of half of the chars but they will report you if you dont play mercy and healbot them while they struggle to hit anything with soldier.

Pick a Sombra/Genji/Mccree/Mei and every loss will be on you, no matter your winrate with the char, everyone will blame you for your pick while they clearly don’t know the first thing about how it works.

Truth is up to platinum counterpicking is not really part of the game most players don’t really know what counters what not even in a 1vs1 yet they feel entitled to give advice about who should play what.

If you’re one tricking you deserve to be banned. But I have checked ur profile and you’re not rly one trick, so you shouldn’t be reported. I thought you are like those mercy mains with 1k hours on mercy and 3 on the other heroes.

good for you, i won’t play tank as long as tank role will be just a standing idiot spamming an hammer.

Thats probably why i don’t play ranked at all

Shame, you should try Rein, he’s amazing - sure, you dont have a sniper rifle, but he does have other skills you need to learn.

If Rein isn’t spending most of his time moving forward, you’re playing him wrong.

Its not the same problem, players dont pay any atention to how support and tank pick or even know when some tanks and supports are good and bad.

Please dont act like mercy or rine main do get banned and treathed like anyother dps main. Ive seen brain death mercy’s who just drool all game and complain about not wining yet dont take any actiones . When you mercy vs a good widowmaker just swap cause the moment you use the mercy dash you can be easly predicte and headshot her.
But mercy mains dont wanna swap and lets say give mercy to someone without any skills or mechanics nah they will hug mercy all for them and just complane.
So when the team thinks we have it hard on dps vs some picks and we need to change its ok but when a mercy gets killed by the widow like 10 times out of positioning or from misplaying its our falth for not protecting her cause she cant swap to something like moira lucio brigitte and be safe from widow… thats just strath up making a dubble standard and it’s annoying.

I don’t know if mercy onetricks get banned, but I’ve seen streamers reporting them quite often.

I stated that mercy onetrick is the same problem as any other onetrcik, meta or not. Several reasons for that, one being if you get two on your side, your team will have an uphill battle. If I understood you correctly, you just agreed with my point by saying if the team needs something apart from mercy because of enemy teams composition, mercy onetrcik will just complain and not switch.

Punishing one type of hero onetrick and not the other is double standards, but that’s where the community has the most impact.

Everyone has their favorite hero they want to play and I completely understand that, but refusing to play any other hero when the situation calls for it, in a mode that’s designed for competing, is crippling your team, especially if the only hero you know how to play is already taken or completely useless in the current situation or composition.

The new LFG system will solve a great deal of problems for onetricks and flex players. After that hits live there will be absolutely no excuse as they can find or create an environment that fits their game style and their hero.

I support this sentiment.
However, I’d like to point out that if we had a role queue, onetricking would not be a problem since onetrick would only fill a role that was needed by the team…

One tricking may not be bannable in theory, but ban system is almost wholly automated. If enough people report you, you will receive it. Onetricking a character that is poor choice in a given situation will likely get you reported. What happens afterwards (whether you are actually able to lift it) I have no knowledge of.

The LFG system will allow you to specify a role (DPS, Tank, Support), not specific heroes. But then again, you can just kick the torb one-trick off the team if you end up with one in a DPS slot.

And onetricks can make their own requirements and actually surround themselves with people that are fine playing with certain hero onetrick.

Yeah I think the biggest gain is that you’re actually creating a group that you will be playing with over several matches, and you can leave it or kick people along the way until you have a group where everyone is comfortable. And then you probably will end up adding those people and playing with them later.

Exactly and it’s a win for both sides. Onetrick or not, playing with certain players over some time you get to know them and their play style which makes you work a lot better together since you know what to expect from them, work around their strong sides and their weaknesses as much as they are working around yours.

I’m sorry I feel I have to react to that. I don’t know where you got that one from, but I have to strongly disagree. There are some cases when you effectively need to consitantly move forward, but that’s definitely not something you have to do most of the time.

There are the times you need to move forward, the times you need to stand your ground and manage your shield HP, and the times you need to kite backward with the rest of your team.

Well, I did exaggerate a bit to make a specific point; that Rein was standing still and swinging a hammer. Rein is usually only the best MT-pick on 2CP and hybrid first point offense, and in those situations you will be spending a lot more time making space than keeping it. And even just protecting the space you have, you don’t just “stand still and randomly swing a hammer.”

So yeah, you did take that quote a bit out of context, but it was also comewhat over-simplified by me. I could’ve said “If you’re Rein and not always maneuvering to control space, you’re playing him wrong”, but that felt kind of advanced for someone who thinks tanking is swinging a hammer…

im not speaking about how you should move as Rein, i don’t like his gameplay and his hammer spam

I prefer Orisa, because she can actually shoot. But you know with spamzo now, she is barely playable.

that’s probably the worst map for widow…

easy solution… stop being that “guy” that only plays snipers…

great to see blizzard banning people like you for it. sorry but i agree with your teams… you could have played so many USEFULL DPS heroes… no, you need to play as a special snowflake and go widow on a map where there’s pretty much no sniping spots and short line of sight -_-