Sorry,were unable to log you in

I have this problem for almost 3 days, i already tried to reinstall,flush my dns and even reinstall

Plz help me,

Are you able to log in using the app or the website?

When i try to open Overwatch. The site and app are working fine.

So, it works now, or have I misunderstood?

no when i try to open overwatch i get that message

Hello sosamuel,

Please follow the steps mentioned in our Troubleshooting Connection and Latency Issues article, including the advanced troubleshooting if needed.

How’s my driving? Let me know! Blizzard EU - Customer Service Forum Representatives Surveys - Hagut

i tried all of that and it wont work, it keeps showing up.

If you have already done so, please run a traceroute and pathping and paste the results here.

How’s my driving? Let me know! Blizzard EU - Customer Service Forum Representatives Surveys - Hagut

It doesnt work…

how do you fix this problem? you haven’t send a message in 4 days

If you’re unable to run the pathping and trace route tests either, please get in touch with our support team directly, so that they can guide you. If you’re able to contact them via a live channel, even better.

How’s my driving? Let me know! Blizzard EU - Customer Service Forum Representatives Surveys - Hagut

Do you have Razer Chroma SDK installed?

I just recently bought a Naga Trinity, came with amazing program. But OW hates it, and thus had to uninstall just to launch

i have a logitech g502