Srsly what is this match making?

Srsly what is this match making?!

Past two days grifers, trolls, leavers … like wtf blizz, what does your matching making systems taking in account when making teams?! … yea yea I don’t play competitive anymore but still even when team is getting snowball ppl are just giving up and opposite team is counter picking and everything … I mean really if u don’t play to win wtf u playing for?


Blizzard cant control the people who play the game sadly. But its QP so the impact is very small. Someone replaces them in practically 10 seconds.

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Tank is so important in 5v5. There are games when tanks are equally capable, then the “rest” comes in play. Everyone can always make a play, dont get me wrong, but if tank is outmatched, its an uphill battle.

Im a tank main, maybe I like being center of attention, or just enjoy pain. Non of your business, tbh. But the whole point is that match making HAS TO, IS OBLIGED to match the tanks or otherwise the game is a roll in one direction. Thats not possible if you have stacks and there is a tank in their stack. Im strictly solo, so you can understand this observation, I hope.

Stack mechanics need an overhaul.