So today I was playing ranked lost some won some , the usual. But yea what pissed me off is that this matchmaking system is SO DAMN BAD!!! . And yes I knew it was bad but i never imagined I would see such a thing.
I always solo queue, guess what I faced in solo queue today : a 3.8k season high Spamzo (grouped with 3 other people that pocket him around).
Fix your matchmaking Blizzard! And remove the damn rank decay while you are at it also , it’s pointless to have such a thing in the 1st place.
I doubt it can be “fixed”. It can’t account for random screwups of random players. For example if 1 or 2 players on your team decide that they want to learn DPS despite the fact that they’ve played support during most of their playtime then the matchmaker can’t do much about it. You can have better guarantees only by building your own team.
which will follow the same RANKED queque despite all YouTubers asked for TEAM Q
Ofc it can be fixed, for starters they need to remove the decay from diamond and above. 2nd they need to reduce the SR required for people to group up for diamond ,master , gm etc. And I’m pretty sure there are more solutions to this that i can’t think of right now. Tbh i’m plat , me and my team mates are not supposed to be able to face 3.6-3.8 players. And I’m not even talking here about smurfs .
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Both SR difference limit and decay are there for a reason, to solve some existing problems. What could be fixed with their removal?
Per-player ranking is very inaccurate in a complex team based game like this. This inaccuracy and the complexity of the game has huge negative effect on matchmaking too. Per-team ranks and team based matchmaking could be much more accurate and effective but most players are casuals and want quick matches with random players, and also the inaccurate per-player ranks. Only pros would be interested in team building and team badges.
I don’t know what are you talking about.
build up social features. Clans with clan chats so people can CLAN WAR 6v6 or to train in Loby with inside game staff can be a good idea
There is no reason for the decay system, and the limit to team up should be in the range of 200-300 SR, not 1k for ranks below master.
AFAIK it is there to prevent players from getting a high rank and then stop playing the game in order to hold onto that rank. The higher the rank, the more burning this issue can be (e.g.: top 500).
Both large and small spread have their advantages and disadvantages. I don’t know what their decisions are based on but some say that in higher ranks the same SR difference can have bigger impact than in lower ranks.
Yea i knew you were going to bring up the top 500, they can just fix that for only top 500 or reduce it to top 100 and remove the decay.
2nd 3.8k decayed or deranked to 3.1 playing against 2.5k -2.6 k is fair right ? It’s indeed a good system.
Even without decay, deranking would always be an option. Decay just means that you have to prove that you’re as good as your SR every now and then - but in reality the decay mechanic quite often corresponds to an actual decay in ability when not playing much.
And yeah, it’s annoying - usually in QP and MH I face opponents in an SR range of 500-1300 above me, but so what? When it happens in CP, it generally means that they have a weak link to balance it out - target their weak spot, play around their strong spot, with good communication you can make it work. Usually, unbalanced teams are easier to beat, because they have the clearer win condition.
Had one of those games myself today - one guy 400 SR above the average, the other one probably 400 SR below. Mentioned it in voice chat and we easily dealt with it.
The ranking system is cr_p in my opinion (per-player ranks instead of per-team ranks) but this is what most (casual) players want. A system like this can’t be accurate and stable in a complex team based game like this.
Both the addition and the removal of those things (SR spread, decay) have pros and cons. There is no good solution, it’s a balance. You want to tilt it in a direction that is good for you personally while blizzard probably (hopefully) balances based on some stats to make it better for most players.
I’m sure this isn’t going to benefit me personally only , but the most players . Top 500 is only 500 people, what is OW’s player base?
You can never know what kind of hacks they have in place to make per-player ranks work (at least to some degree). The details of their system aren’t public, for this reason it’s difficult to guess what numbers make sense when it comes to tweaking it.
It’s in their interest to make the system better and they have more info to do so.
I mean, all players. But as we know the majority are in gold and plat.
which will follow the same RANKED queque despite all YouTubers asked for TEAM Q