Stop changing sound based on location on the map

and if you do please for the love of god make it so it doesn’t sound like 64 bit quality it just very unpleasant sounding at this point

64 bit quality would be incredible dynamic range. Bluray have a maximum of 24 bit.

You are in for something special with OW2 then.

They’ve only made the beginnings of the sound changes.

It’s really funny how they’re changing all the sounds, something no one has ever once taken issue with, but they’re not gonna fix any of the major issues.

I’d pay $10 for them to add a map selection, they don’t even want the game to succeed at this point.

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Yeah… But the new sounds are amazing. Makes it feel much more satisfying.

Map selection wouldn’t work.

Just look at racing games that have a track vote… you just end up on the same 2/3 tracks over and over. So adds little variety to the game.

If you don’t like a map and you are playing QP, just leave. If you are playing ranked, then just got to get on with the job.

The new sounds are awful, they’re too focused on “realism” which is not what I came for in a game where RPG stands for rocket-propelled gorilla.

If you don’t like a map and you are playing QP, just leave.

With queue times upwards of 10 minutes this just isn’t viable. TF2 has had a map selection feature for a decade. If people don’t want to play a map, that’s probably because the map sucks. If the map is unbalanced to the point that people are avoiding it, that forces the developers to FIX it.

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Not really realism. They just want it to feel more like you are using weapons.

Sniping with Widow on OW2 feels ridiculously good. The noise is delightful.

Paris and Horizon have small issues on the 1st points (more so Paris) but they aren’t that imbalanced. It is just small things that cause issues.

Rest of the maps are pretty much well balanced with a small variety in comps that would be preferred. (Like Gibraltar/Numbani for dive, Havana/Junker for snipers and so on)

I actually agree with you.
Thought my headset was broken lol

it’s just way to loud my head hurts I can’t play from point on lijang tower and some Ilios locations now they are slowly ruining Eichenwalde too

If this is how they will have sounds in OW2 nobody will play it like god damm

In the settings you have the ability to adjust volume…