Stop smurfing please

Please stop smurfing.

Or atleast give people who don’t want ranks to be affected by smurfing a method of prime matchmaking, because the rank system is already then these guys come and ruin it further


wats the problem with smurfing?

I don’t even get why people are smurfing anymore. It’s not as if there’s a lacking playerbase as it is… so getting new accounts now just seems pointless.

The problem is that for many people, including myself, it just feels like plain bullying, especially at this point as smurfs keep growing in numbers. For me, once in awhile was fine, now I see it almost every game… doesn’t really make it fun.

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the only thing that can help with that is gitting gud i’m afraid.and i dont see that .any problematic smurfs.usualy they only one rank higher in other role


If you cannot beat someone at a higher rank than you, you don’t deserve their rank.

Think of smurfs in that regard, and you’ll beat them.

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Ppl Smurf because the MMR system Is Broken . so a new account gets an MMR clean slate and u start over, then it depends on what you want to do with it. some ppl go higher some ppl dump the MMR and go low.

system is broken Smurfing is only a symptom not the decease

Just use them as way to climb, duo with them.

wats the use of getting to higher rank if ur still a scrub?is it just for the golden weapons, ppl care that much about useless sh*t?

You can compete there with more skilled people. Why do you even ask question like this lol. Why everyone in the word want to be good or best at something? Its in the human nature.

dats wat i thought, lot of for golden guns tho

This game is doing so bad that for example if you have 1000 players, 200 are 200 and the rest 800 are like 100 real people.

yeah but u only need 12 to play the game

How can you “git gud” while being completely steamrolled by a six - stack of Diamond/Master snipers?!

Wow I really hate all these comments.

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Humans are very monkey-see monkey-do. We copy each other that’s natural, so if u regularly play with ppl better than U, u WILL get better. If u play with ppl of similar skill lvl only u will stagnate and after a while u think u can’t climb cause everyone else is trash even tho u are as bad as them. Sound familiar?
In that example u gave, u could learn a more protected path to the objective/backline/watevs, u also learn long sightlines for future matches and sniper spots. Sure u get stomped THIS match and maybe the one after and the one after that as well. All those loses contribute experience and valuable data for future matches. Why do u play ranked? Is it to get better or to stomp noobs enough times to get the golden weapons?