Stopped using chat

Lately when playing, after a long break, I have been playing a bit again and I have gotten two warnings for conduct in game.

I know, people will think “toxic players are toxic” etc, but I can assure you that is not the case. I rarely speak except when the team is discussing how to improve. The only thing I can think of is stuff like “they have better healers, any way you can switch to something more effective?” or “DPS needs to step up, we aren’t doing enough damage”.

So what I am wondering is: Is the reporting system completely automated? In other words, is it enough to get enough reports to get a reaction? Because I can see why it is annoying to be critisised for your performance (whether that critisism is just or not), but is it really against the TOS to discuss co-players’ performance in a competitive game like Overwatch?

I would be interested to hear what you think. For my part I have just left the chat channels for now.


MFriedmann It’s easy to forget exactly what one says in the heat of the moment. Calling people names isn’t critique, it’s toxic.

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