Suggestion on heroes and shopping

I have been playing ow for a while now. Definitely miss the loot boxes and such, but have adjusted fine to the battle pass as I understand this route.

One thing I have not adjusted to is being able to purchase whenever. I understand wanting to make money and such, but I would likely make a few purchases if we could purchase them at any time! Credits and real money.

I had to swap my account and console over and lost so many wonderful skins, including the limited edition breast cancer awareness skin with Mercy. Anyone else go that far back?

Anyways, I really wish we could purchase these skins at all times. Although I am not completely on board with battle pass, this alone would make me so much happier, but I realize I may not be majority.

Quite a few people have voiced wanting the pink mercy back.
The problem with that though is that the ribbon logo is a trademark and thus illegal to distribute without proper contracts and agreements. And it’s near impossible to negotiate an unlimited contract like that (especially after all the unsavory allegations against several employees).

it would also require a different way to process purchases, as the pink mercy would have to be it’s own category all alone to properly keep tabs on the amount of money that blizz would need to forward to the charity. Not to mention all the handling fees on that money.

Other “limited” skins might make a comeback, as long as those ones have less bureucracy involved.

I’m sure many of us would prefer different approaches than a battlepass, but this is a direction that blizzard has taken.

Several people from 2016 still play, at least occationally.

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