Super unfair matchmaking

I just started playing comp, so I’m obviously not the greatest. But I’m always paired against people who have way more experience than me and who are way better at overwatch in general than me, my question is when is this going to be fixed? It’s the most annoying thing ever, the fact I can barely win or do good because I’m not against anyone even near my skill.

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Nothing much can be done about smurfs. But then players with a lot of experience can still drop a lot. The game’s a team effort though.

Where in her post did she mention smurfs? She said more experienced players which I take as higher level players.
You have brainwashed yourself in to seeing smurfs everywhere. Smurfs and Nightwing. You really need therapy dear.

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Well they could put a limiter on the levels for new players, though this could result in extreme queue times.

Apart from that, since there will be more smurfs/alts than new players, your experience would most likely be worse.

“But I’m always paired against people who have way more experience than me”, if they have way more experience than her, and playing at her level, then obviously either smurfing or deranked or hard stuck at their rating.

You need to wake up “Dear”.

You see so many “smurfs xyz” posts here and on the US forums. I have started checking the profiles of the posters and noticed something very similar with nearly every profile

  • high level account (silver or gold border)
  • rank no higher than gold, usually silver.

Having just been through it, quick play is a rough experience. I would never recommend the game to anyone based on the quick play experience.

Ranked, account level is a bit of a myth. Everyone in the game is similarly matched based on some metric the system has looked at. So if you are getting a lot of experienced players, the system obviously thinks you are good enough to hold your own.

Yes this is a big problem especially in gold and I can understand how it feels for you as a new player to start play ranked but there’s not much you can do about it other than play your games until you go to the rank you should be in. I did actually write a post about this problem if anyone wants to check it out. Suggestion to make gold/plat ranked matchups better

That’s exactly what you should,I’m theory, do.

Play a lot of games.

Play 200-300 in a season and you will always be where you deserve to be.