Support have been extremely rude to disabled person

Hi there,
I’ve been trying to help my sister who is severely autistic, she’s been playing Overwatch since launch and it’s been her favourite game for all that time- helping her get through some very tough times.
She got a Gaming PC for Christmas, which I set up for her just before New Years after which she immediately jumped to try out her games since she’s only ever played on console before.
She only played Overwatch on PC for a few hours, but kept getting overwhelmed trying to keep up and went back to console for familiarity. A few days later, she woke up and was distraught to find an email with no explanation saying she’d been given a permanent ban with no chance to appeal.
It took 3 days to finally find out that she’d been banned for “using third party software” which hasn’t given us any more idea as to what might have caused it because she definitely didn’t use anything- especially not knowingly.
This whole time in our attempts to reach out to support, they’ve constantly shut us down without a chance to ask questions or do anything meaningful.
She’s played OW for these last 8 years and essentially put her heart and soul into it; after mixing things up for a few hours she’s suddenly been banned despite never having a suspension or ban in the last 8 years. We’re still in the dark as to what would have caused it and support have been extremely dismissive, rude and accusatory towards her which, given her disorder and communication skills, have left her extremely upset, confused and awful.
Is there any way to talk to anyone directly for an actual discussion rather than copy and pasted results and snarky dismissive comments or any advice to actually appeal to someone for something that’s been a one off that we still haven’t got a clue about?

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Sadly appealing is the only way.

Some false bans can get lifted, but it might take months for someone to actually look into the matter.

Unfortunately I’ve been trying to get anyone to listen through the tickets and they just continue to be rude and dismissive.
Always the same “our system decided X therefore…” but if they actually listened, we believe X (the use of third party software) to be a mistake, but they just don’t want to hear it.
It’s been 5 days now and she’s still distraught, she keeps asking why someone could be so cruel, it’s heart breaking :disappointed:

There was a false wave of bans last year due to some headset software, so it could be anything really.

If neither of you truly did anything wrong, then you can reassure her that sadly it’s a mistake. But it will take time before anyone at blizzard will actually take a look.
Your best hope is to request that a support team supervisor has a look, since most of the regular support workers are out-of-house agents from around the world and may not have the permissions needed to look into the matter more deeply.

well, here’s how i read this story: I hacked on my sisters account, now i am using her disability to justify why it happened. Then bloody supports are “rude” because they did not unbanned her account because i cheated.

That’s all.

We do not discuss account actions on the Forums. All information on appealing an account action can be found here.