Support wouldn't tell me why I got silenced

For the first time in 5 years (so since I started playing), my account got silenced. The paradox is that whenever I enter the game I get one or two pop-ups thanking me for reporting disrupting behaviors. And when I opened the game yesterday, I got 3 pop-ups:

  • Your account has been silenced
  • Thank you for reporting disrupting behaviours (x2)

So I’m thinking that sure maybe I said something bad, and I deserve the sanction. I go to the support and simply ask them what I said that caused this sanction, just to get told 2 times in a row that I have been silenced. It’s like that, and any further tickets about the issue will be ignored.

I just want to know what I said. I told them explicitly that I am not contesting in any way, I just want some precision so I don’t get silenced again because I said something bad. Still, they just didn’t care to inform me on the matter and closed my ticket.

Anyone else got in the situation before?

Edit: they finally answered and now I realized my messages were misunderstood lmao

They don’t have to. But if you keep submitting tickets the might.

Big emphasis on the might.

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Welp they just did, basically when you say ‘awful tank’ or ‘widow sucks’, add a little note saying you don’t address the player but the actual hero so they don’t take it personally lol. Because I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.

I was complaining Mauga is in an awful situation, because he doesn’t block any damage, and that I just hate playing against widow, and that was not even our widow but the ennemy one.

Now I know

You criticise players mid game, or are perceived to be doing so… You run that risk.

Also, Mauga blocks damage the same way all non shield tanks do. It’s called face tanking.

That’s the thing, we had no widow and I was talking about Mauga, not someone playing it. Just misunderstanding I guess. It’s whatever

Almost certainly. It is why, unless it is voice, I don’t communicate in game.

And I only use voice if I am in a stack.

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