Suspended after failing to connect to server

I got disconnected from the game twice. I even didn’t join the game. And go suspended because of game servers problems. Why people have to lose their progress in the ranked games because of your technical issues?

Now I’m expecting that my rank will go down too far. And it’s absolutely not my fault.

Players are not required to pay their time because of their issues. It’s their fault, not players. So why I should be deranked and suspended?

Probably, they will answer that you can’t detect on which side was the cause of disconnection. But it’s not true. They can. And coincidentally, it happens after the new patch.

How about to turn off suspension, if you see that new patch causes connection failures? Or refund players their progression.


You can avoid this by just not playing overwatch during patch days.

When ever a new patch goes live, it takes some time before all the servers are updated. During that time you cannot connect to games on servers with a different game version to yours.
If the server you’re on updates while you are playing, you will be kicked out and will be unable to rejoin.

If you have nothing else to play during patch days, play a different mode. That way you won’t be banned from comp, nor will your rank suffer.

These disconnecting issues have existed since the game’s launch, and the only way to live with it is to not try re queueing in comp after a server error.
Give it an hour after a failure to connect to server before you go back to comp. Especially if it’s a tuesday or thursday evening as those are the days when updates usually happen.

This happened to me right now, just joined a game and then it says lost connection to server then I closed the game and opened it again to find I have been suspended.
Does anyone know how long the suspension is for ?

And yeah its Tuesday today :slight_smile:

Not queuing for comp on patch days and not re-queuing immediately after a DC are solid advises.
The thing is though, server errors and game crashes do happen on any day and time so they still impact a lot of players even if they follow those advises.
So i do agree with ARTR that they should check the cause of a players disconnect. (By they im not just talking about Blizzard, i am not aware of any company doing this, so im saying it should be standard practice for all).

My suggestion is keep the punishments to deter leavers BUT do check if there were server problems when the player disconnected or if they received a game crash report when the player disconnected (both options are doable) and if that’s the case then its clearly not the players fault and at least refund any lost SR and end the suspension if its still active.