I don’t get it, I can type any swear word in chat and it’ll come up, so if swearing is “banned” why not just do what is done on the forums and do this > “Your post contains a word that’s not allowed:” or do what is done on the WoW forums and @%&* etc < with swear words in game? Also what’s the point in a profanity filter if you’re not allowed to swear?
I got suspended for swearing because i’m allowed to and because people get offended by swear words and for not having the profanity filter turned on. If you don’t like swear words turn the profanity filter on…
it’s like saying “killing people with guns is bad and will send you to jail so lets sell people guns so they can do it.” American logic ofc.
Let’s allow people to swear and then suspend them for it xDDDDDD If you’re so bothered about people swearing don’t let them do it in the first place.
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A swear word by itself is harmless and has a very valid place in the English language. You can use it to express annoyance at hitting your toe for example or curse the rain.
However if you’re using the words to verbally abuse someone then that’s bad. So, it’s all about the context in which the words are used and the intention behind them.
EndOfTheLine True… but that really depends on the situation
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Cursing is allowed as long as noone’s offended.
Did you really come up with this on the spot? because your whole post seems like a rant that took about 10mins to think about. If you spend another 5 asking yourself why, you will find the answer.
You cant block everything and its not about block everything. Your analogy is also pointless. Its more like saying :
“Well if you are going to make shooting people illegal, then give everyone a kevlar vest DUH!”
Woah dude. Really?
You can insult someone with 0 insults and you can use swear words to say something positive, like “Holy Shiet lucio, that ultimate timing was FKING awesome”.
Yeah you are free to use any word. Becareful because TOS is there bla bla.
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When i use to flame i had this logic.
No one likes to get flamed and no one likes 6 dps “troll” team’s.
So why is it ok to do one and not the other.
This logic is flaw’d but oh well i use to think this way when i started.
In general you can be afk or doing gameplay sabotage’s but your fine as long as you don’t flame. Since flaming is obvius and the rest isn’t so it doesn’t get reported by everyone from your team.
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Because it doesn’t contradict the code of conduct:
When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.
Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.
If you read that paragraph thoroughly, you’ll see that such language is only forbidden if that language is directed at another person
Cussing is allowed, as long it isn’t directed at someone. This is why you can curse when dying but you can’t flame at other people because…
that could be offensive or vulgar to others.
Context matters!
I was like pre level 50 on my 1st account, i didn’t even know the code of conduct back then let alone care’d for it, overwatch was simple when it started. There was no war on toxicity so flaming wasn’t such a big deal to encounter in the past.
Then i said
I’ve read two posts of yours and u are really toxic towards people especially mercy mains and don’t get me wrong I main sombra but come on
Using the Ad Hominem fallacy won’t weaken their argument. You don’t make Rainmakers argument invalid by attacking them personally. What you did was an Ad Hominem du Quoque, calling Rainmaker out for acting contradictory to their argument. Does that mean that their argument is invalid? No, just like the argument that Meat hurts the environment isn’t invalid because a meat eater said that.
What they say is still true: Context matters! You can use no swear words to insult someone and you can use any swear words to compliment someone. Of course, it is still reportable, due to how the CoC is written, but most people won’t be offended when someone compliments you in a vulgar language.
Watch out with the insults and accusations because you are doing it now. If you hate facts, i cant do anything for you, but calling toxic anyone who disagrees with you, is in fact you know what? T O X I C
Congrats, you just destroyed yourself.
This is overwatch, where we have a endorse system to make people feel good about themselves, and we have an option to make our profiles private now so people won’t comment on it. There is no way you’ll be able to stop swearing in an online competitive game but meh
I imagine swearing is allowed so long as it isn’t directed at another player or directed at a particular group of people.
Of course it is. And well, not excessive, of course. I drop a metric fvckton of F-bombs in most matches, noone has issues.