Symmetra Teleporter PSA

Symmetra’s TP is not a taxi to get you back from spawn faster. Please take the time while you’re walking back to reflect on why you died, why I didn’t, and why you feel the need to yell at people in video games when you don’t win.

it is, if you use it that way, on defense maps not that bad of a choice really.

You can use Rein’s Earthshatter to solo kill the enemy Widowmaker, that doesn’t mean it’s what you’re meant to do.

so you’re telling me that an easily destroyable TP to an edgy place, thats of use for 1-2 players is generally more valuable to the team than a spawn shortcut for everyone?

Yes, in most cases. People who don’t play Sym probably don’t understand her value. Then again I just had to explain to a tank that they needed to protect the healers, so I’d say the average OW player’s understanding of the game is around 0.

Yes. To a point.

Using it in coordinated rotations is much better though.