Thank you blizzard


I do hope you have hard evidence before making slanderous comments.

And if you do, why haven’t you gone to the EU Commission and got them to deal with it?

Blizzard(a private company that has all rights to enforce thier own rules in thier products) is at fault here for… banning toxic people who ruined the experience for others?

I’m glad these racists and toxics are being banned.


the community is as good as the location in which they dwell

and this game, and blizzard in general is a feted swamp which is completely and utterly against the majority of their player base in favour of money and status

they ignore the majority in favour of the minority, they use cheap band aid fixes instead of actually fixing the problems… and like most people these days focus on treating the symptoms instead of the disease…

many people are being banned erroneously… and i doubt you will be happy when you are having to wait hours for a match… and trust me it will happen… already is in certain circumstances

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Yeah, they really screwed the majority with double shield and brig, but how was that for money? These two things literally ruined their game and owl

only the OWL had problems with double shield and brig, this is not the majority…

Many people banned erroneously?

Or do you mean, many people feel like they’ve been banned erroneously?

Most of the people who complain about their ban, it usually turns out Blizzard have reasonable grounds to take action as it usually takes A LOT of evidence before Blizzard look into it.

Here is a big suggestion for your Mr AllMight…

You seem to know how to do all this and make business work… How about you go away and set your own company up to release games and show them how you think it should be done.

And after years and years of hard work, when someone comes up and offers you millions of dollars to buy you out, you make sure you turn that money down.

Double shield, and the tedium that came with it (because it stuck around for so long) is the reason a lot of players left, and pro players retired.

This is indeed the majority, the majority liked to play dive, the majority liked to play different teamcomps that were not orisa and sigma. In these 2 cases small minorities were prioritized over the majority. There really isn’t anything that comes into mind outside of these 2, most changes are actually welcomed by the majority

1.Oh i know better than most people here since i can only play on weekends and even that for 3 to 4 hours max. I do hate long queues but it still is better than the mess pre-rolequeue comp was.

  1. They don’t ignore the majority. Every game is balanced according to the potential (which usually means people who can reach that potential,that is, top500s and pros) and not how bad players play it.We (majority) asked for role queue because masters and above already played propers comps and didn’t need role queue but we needed it to not lose just because enemy has 4 dps and 1 healer and 1 tank and we have 6 dps. Reaper,Junk,Pharah,Symm,torb,Doom,Moira (i maybe forgetting some) all were nerfed not because they were good in high tiers (except symm) but because they were TOO strong in lower ranks or majority.

  2. Are you talking about the balance? Then you’re wrong. You have to be realistic and believe that true balance is impossible to achieve. And regarding balance the game has NEVER been better balances. No S tier heroes. Most heroes are viable and healthy except say Doom,Symm,Bastion.
    Tank and support balance is literally at its peak rn.

  3. Toxicity is equally present in every popular game including overwatch and how is it that Devs banning these toxic people a bad thing?


no, its not, the majority sit at gold… at gold… people do not have the skill required to play dive

the only ones who liked dive, were the top ranks and OWL… which are the minority… because thats how it works, else we would all be OWL material… which we are not

they do though

its not though

im not though… case in point TF2… a perfectly balanced game

its not though… this is by far the most toxic community i have ever seen… because of people like you and nightwing are allowed to proliferate freely and bully people with opposing opinions into getting banned through blizzards lazy automated banning system

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You’re talking about a rank, that’s not the majority, gold is 30-35% of the playerbase at best. That’s not the majority, that’s a minority. Dive heroes were picked in every rank, they were popular, and they remained popular during goats, even though they had terrible winrates. More people played non-goats heroes than goats heroes, that’s a fact.

thats because only the pro’s had a problem with goats…

Can you elaborate and give some evidence to prove your point? Just saying “No” or “Yes” is flat out ignorant

i don’t need to… it is self evident… it is not my fault if you can’t see it… sorry

The pro’s actually liked goats as it got to show off the team work and practice they put in.

Which is why goats was being played in all the special events before the Grand Finals.

Toronto even set up a special goats tournament.

They just, quite rightly, didn’t want it to stick around for years because it made things stale.

Nope, unless you lived under a rock or your little niche, that was actually favored during goats. We already talked about this. Goats was a thing from mid gold, that’s more than 50% of the ladder

it wasn’t though… i played gold through low diamond during the goats meta, hardly ever saw it, never had a problem with it when i did

LOL. You dont have anything to prove lmao because you are just spitting random bs.
And TF2 is only “balanced” because its a 9v9 in a game where there are only 9 heroes…
You can also balance over watxh if you remove all heroes but 2 in each role which means 6 total heroes and that would be perfectly balanced with each hero having same pick rate and win rate

Just because ranked is a mash of random people doing that they wanted.

Doesn’t mean people didn’t play goats knowing it was the strongest comp. It just required strong team work and communication. Something ranked can’t always offer.

Yea and when it did (4 -5 times in plat) we rolled the enemies. Some of the most fun games though since people just coordinating even a little bit made it fun