The better you play, the worse teammates you get. (last match performance)

I’ve noticed this on several accounts, if I perform bad or throw a game I get good teammates next game, however when I perform really well I get terrible teammates next game. I’m sure the game uses your last game’s performance for your next game. Anyone else noticed this?


I doubt it. It’s most likely just chance.

The internal working of the match maker isn’t public information, but people have cracked the match maker and created posts on the internet.

One smart guy, stated the match maker is trying to balance your MMR by giving you favorable teams and un-favourable teams.
If the match maker thought you did well, for a series of games, compared to other people in the same ello playing the same hero, it would try and give you an unfavourable team next round to see if you could still win. If you managed to win, then the Match maker lets you climb, by giving you favourable teams.
If the match maker thought your performance was below average compared to other players in the same ello, it would give you an un-favourable team because it thinks you don’t deserve to go higher. Usually having an un favourable team would result in a loss.

These are only speculations of the internal workings of the match maker, which Blizzard denies. So it’s a mystery :slight_smile:

Doesnt happen mate.
MMR works on the long run so your previous performance doesnt matter that much. The thing is, your WR does matter and the rating you are plays sometimes against you and sometimes in your favour.

Classic example? When you are trying to climb a rank, you will likely be placed with people that are deranking if you have a positive WR. Thats why the last part of climbing is SO HARD compared to the mid tier of each rank.

The MMR System tries to give fair chances to each match so sometimes, in order to get close to 50% WR for both teams, it pairs people in the 40-60% WR (which is fair) and sometimes pairs people with 80% WR with some others around 20-30% … yeah the average is close to 50 but they are literally impossible to win.

The sooner you accept that its impossible, literally, for you to win some matches, the easier time you will have on the climb. GL !

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Honestly, I think they’re just using the standard ELO system, with some minor tweaks for streaks (which I think is stupid, as there is no proof this leads to faster convergence, but quite a bit of evidence for instability). I don’t see why they would make it any more complicated, as the system is self-correcting.

doubt it. It’s most likely just chance.