The new rules of earning owl tokens are harsh

Unlike last week of OWL, you can’t earn tokens by just having the stream open. I do understand the approach of rewarding active viewers, but what about the players who do not live in the U.S, in my time zone OWL starts at 1 a.m. Honestly i don’t see the harm of leaving the stream open, it’s a win for both sides.
I hope you look into it.

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What are you talking about? They changed something about the tokens?

I feel asleep during the games last week and got rewarded my tokens. Was watching on the official website, apparently it’s the safest way.

This week it won’t work, starting of yesterday your twitch status needs to stay active as well as you need to be active in chat and paying attention to the stream.

Says who? I saw nothing saying that, do you have a link?

You shouldn’t receive free tokens just by leaving it open. You need to watch every second of it to earn your payment. I think rules should be more harsh. I never watch matches by the way :rofl:

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Here’s the link: Overwatch League Rewards Guide - UPDATE on YouTube Platform Rewards Incentives - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums
The part i’m talking about is the little arrow titled OWL Token drops: " VERY IMPORTANT: If by chance your profile goes to being “away” you may not earn drops or if the online status does not show you are Watching Overwatch league (even if the stream is playing) there is a chance that you may not earn drops. Remember to keep focus on the stream on your web browser and remain active by either typing in chat or checking your loot status."

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Watch the stream on the official OWL website, there’s no away status or chat, just log on your account.

I was afk and had no issue.

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I don’t know… on one hand, watching OWL from 0:30 to 6:30 seems inhumane. On the other hand, those rewards are only something crazy OWL fans really care for, so it balances out.
If all fails: auto mouse clicker.^^

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That away stuff is only for Twitch, just watch it from the official site.

What bothers me more is that I can buy tokens, my credit card is completely ok, but I cant get them rewarded to me cause I don’t live in the right country, from where I can buy them.

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I checked it doesn’t work on the official site either. Big yikes :frowning:

Thanks for this info. I dont reside in an eligible country but was happy that I received coupons and was looking fwd to buy a new skin. Sad I will always be stuck at 54 coupons now ingame :’(

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I just leave the pc running with the owl twitch tab open over night and always get the tokens. >.>