(Sorry for the bad english)
I know people are tired of hearing this, but mercy is still broken.
I know Blizzard is probably not going to revert her but I still want to say this.
The problem is her ressurect and Blizzard refuses to acknowledge this.
They could have easily fixed her by just nerfing her old ult (wich was ressurect) like having a longer charge time, decreasing the radius or having a cast time.
Blizzard decided to nerf her because they didn’t like the idea of Mercy hiding and not healing her team to rez.
Even though right now she still has to hide to rez because of the cast time which causes her to stop healing.
Most mercy players didn’t hide to rez. They would tempo rez to keep the fight going. Some mercy players would hide if their team was starting to lose so they could rez them all, but they would still participate in the fight.
They also said that it’s unfair that Mercy can just undo enemy ultimates wich is understandable. Just nerfing her ult to cause it to take longer to charge could help fix this.
But the mercy we have now can cancel enemy engagements because she can undo picks every 30 seconds which is still OP.
Her healing output doesn’t need to be nerfed it’s her ressurect. In my opinion changing it back to an ult is the best solution (with a few differences stated before).
Her old healing output seemed fair to me because she doesn’t really do damage except damage boost but to damage boost you’d have to stop healing. Unlike the other supports who can easily switch between damage and healing.
Mercy isn’t broken anymore, shes been rebalanced to the point where you have to decide WHO TO REVIVE AND WHEN; that is quite literally what it comes down to now; I’m glad they removed the 3X rezzing (one before 2 during ult) and actually the fact that she has just had her healing lowered has made her more of a “would Mercy work, or would Moria be better” style situation
As much as I agree with you on the old ult, Mercy now has more than broken wings. As a Mercy main, I can with certainty tell you that nothing, absolutely nothing is harder than landing a res right now that can be easily stopped with a hack, a stun, a Roadhog hook, a shatter, a headshot, a freeze. Take your pick with it ^
Now regarding undo-ing ults, perhaps the ulting dps should try to get more than one person with their ult. They all can, except for Sombra whose ult just hacks everyone, basically making Mercy a baby with wings.
I agree with you the 3x rezzing was a stupid idea, but getting a rez handed to you every 30 seconds without having to work for it is (in my opinion) an even more stupid idea. Changing it back to her ult would make it that you work for it. Changing the time it takes to get her ult could make rez more fair. because the ult she has now requires almost no skill and her old ult made her more fun to play.
Her old healing output seemed fair to me because she doesn’t really do damage except damage boost but to damage boost you’d have to stop healing.
Who to revive and when… Eh it’s not that hard. I miss having to think about when to tempo or mass rez or keeping in my head when other players used their ults and what ults they were so I know if mass/tempo rezing was a waste or not.
This current rez takes away almost any thought involved in it. While Mercy’s overall power is ok the thinking part is… nothing like it used to be. She’s auto pilot compared to before.
Mercy is in a good position where she is now, she’s easy to play against as well.
I can agree on that her rez can be a bit annoying and it’s hard to figure out when to rez as well, but once you’ve kinda figured it out it’s not really that hard. me myself was very scared if i should continue to have mercy as my main healer but after playing her a while with hos she is now i really enjoy it even more.
I hated the old mercy, like how she used to hide to get that 6 man rez and everyone in the team felt like a “mercy hunt” than comp lol. It was really annoying at that time.
I was very happy when they gave mercy that 2 man rez before as well but it still gave her that invincible thing like where you couldn’t kill her if rezing, if i remembered it right. Everything about that was nice.
But i really do like where she’s at now, she’s pretty stable imo.
You don’t really have to hide to rez with mercy in how she is now, i often use my ult sometimes to rez, because that gives you an opportunity to be a bit higher in the air AND you get a better view on where the enemies are and who you can rez as well.
Soooooo, whether it was on this forum or the other one. On all the forum posts that have been closed… Why does blizzard still ignore all the people who want mercy reverted? Jeff Kaplan said himself they would revert her if they nerf her too much, she’s had 10 rather large nerfs, she’s still broken and not fun to play as nor against. Please blizz acknowledge the community.
Also note that a huge chunk of the people who want a revert are Mercy mains who want to feel powerful again. Thats like asking Roadhog mains if they want his high damage guaranteed one shot back, hell yea we’d love that. Of course Mercy mains are to Roadhog mains what Roadhog is to Mercy in terms of body size, haha
Problem is that her healing or GA would be nerfed heavily with this as she deals less than 300 damage on average in a game and boosts less than 1200 damage on average in a game. This could effectively give her triple damage numbers. But I still second it!
Because it does not matter what you want i want widowmaker to be able to quickscope again do you think because all widow players want this we are going to get it?
No, by this logic, why don’t we just do away with healers all together and just give everyone an assault rifle? It’s watering out what makes heroes special.
It’s like in Magic: The Gathering, you’re basically wanting blue to have access to burn spells or to give black artefact/enchantment removal.
Good design is defined by what heroes can’t do just as much as it is about what they can do well.
Good design means characters with high skill ceiling who can do multiple things at once and are enjoyed by an audience more diverse than soccer moms who have never played an FPS before.
Well Mercy has a high skill ceiling, she can do multiple things at once and she’s enjoyed by an audience more diverse than soccer moms who have never played an FPS before. I’ve enjoyed FPS games since their inception.
You’re a failed troll dude.
You don’t have anything better to do than troll forums?
Most mercy players didn’t hide to rez. They would tempo rez to keep the fight going. Some mercy players would hide if their team was starting to lose so they could rez them all, but they would still participate in the fight.
In my experience I do need to hide to rez with the new mercy because you’re basically standing still so I try to take cover behind walls.
You don’t really have to stand stil while playing the new mercy tho lol, i always move around trying to heal everyone on my team. And when i rez i often spin arouing or so while rezzing so it might get harder to hit me.