The Solution to Rage Quitters

If (CompetitiveLive = true && ExitButtonClicked == true)
-500 elo


  • whatever it currently takes

simple code to decipher between a rage quit and a disconnect

if the player has clicked to exit the match; then its an instant -500 elo. so it downranks them insta. this can get rid of all the rage quitters to lower ranks, since every game we get rage quitters.

so just turn off and on your wifi on your computer ez loop around it

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yeah sure, but that’s some extra work just to rage quit without getting the penalty.

I don’t mind complicating it for them.

well they’re gonna have the time ban anyway so by the time they reconnect and all the timer will prob still have time left on it so no real penalty aside of whats already in place

Ever heard of Alt+F4? Quicker to quit and not limited to one game.

well then a rage quitter can be flagged for trolling if they are persistently matched with you

another 5 year old posting genious solutions.

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real mature bro, real mature

way more mature than your initial post.
A half decent adult would have elaborated such idea to some more detailed level, like

  1. why is a ragequitter worse that a “normal” quitter?
  2. is the leave button the only way out? (no its not)
  3. would a "rage"quitter even go through the effort finding the “leave” button or rather Alt-F4?

A halfway technically educated adult would also know that you can’t reliably tell if a disconnect was intentional or if there is some sort of network issue, and eventually scrap this thread instead of presenting us this inept attempt of a “solution”, which does not solve anything.

says the person trying to prove they are more mature than me.

Devs need to stick a bool on that button. And that bool needs to mean; Have I Been Clicked during a live competitive match?
Because if I had been clicked; then we know for certain the quit attempt was genuine in this case; so therefor we can amp up the punishment.

unless ofc players get to decide whther other players should be kicked before the match starts

I ragequit a lot, never per leave button.
The simple concept of Alt-F4 obviously can’t fit into your tiny brain, go ask your dad for help.

can’t figure out what this bs means actually.

-500 sr… if they do it a few times, then it’s a easy way to derank and play as e.g. a diamond player on bronze… so that is not a solution, that makes the toxicity worse!

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well then there is no solution


Ranked matches could be arranged by players and not matched by the system.

Not sure whats up with KetaKubaners boner; but geez is he getting off on this; for my 7th post now - DEVS-- i’d watch that kid.

can’t stand stubborn stupids, thats all.