"The specifics of this violation have a malicious influence on the processes of the game that are affected by third-party software"

Any help as to what this means, and what I can do, would be appreciated.
So, after having my account instantly, permanently banned, and going back and forth about what the possible reason for it could be, I finally got a response from a human (or at least, I think so haha).
The title of this post is the “reason” they gave for banning my account.
Does anyone know what this means? I have never cheated or used any cheating software, software to maliciously influence games or software to give me any sort of advantage.
I am a Silver level player and have never been higher than S1, so obviously I am not cheating to get myself up the ranks.
Does anyone have any tips as to which files or logs I can download on my pc, and where to get them, to submit to Blizzard/battlenet to prove to them that I have not cheated or used any software to give myself an advantage or maliciously influence games?
It is disheartening that these kinds of bans occur, while actual cheaters are running rampant and climbing the ranks to Masters, sometimes GM even, before they eventually get banned.

Thank you.

It means that some software on your machine was interfering with the game while it was running.

Given recent similar posts on here I have one question.

Have you updated your GPU drivers recently??

I have not updated my GPU drivers, although I did try to look at if my drivers are up to date. Only other thing I can think of, is that I replaced my USB Wifi adapter with a new one, because it was giving me issues. It is still the same brand and all though. I also see that, around that time, my PC’s Windows malicious software removal tool updated? I did not even know that Windows computers had such tools installed on them.
I guess I will just try to open another ticked and ask them what I can provide them with to prove that I was not using malicious software to influence the game or gain an advantage. Hopefully, I will get a human to respond to me, seeing that you mostly get automated replies.