The Truth about The Mercy Nerf

Exaggerating is a sure way to eliminate your own credibility. Like I said: context matters and topics that ask for reverts go to the delet pile because that’s most of the Mercy topics out there. If it’s something else about Mercy it’s completely fine.

With 15m range that’s really relevant as you’re easy to focus.

Yeah with her ultimate. Moira is the staple in GOATs and is able to put out 3k more healing on average in high tier gameplay.

Yeah and Tracer is the only one that can blink 3 times and Pharah is the only one who can jump 20 meters in the air by pressing shift. Wow.

Exaggerating again.

Damage boosting isn’t that significant as you’d like to think. Besides saying that the only dedicated main healer doesn’t deserve to be a main healer is absurd. She’s designed to be a main healer because her kit otherwise is lackluster as the only ways she helps her teammates is damage boosting and resurrect. Resurrect is good value, but damage boosting isn’t nearly as valuable and otherwise it’s just Mercy’s personal mobility abilities. She heals 900 more on average than Ana in GM play. That’s complete T-tier performance when considered their kits.

Do you have sources for the contenders part of how well Mercy performed relative to other supports? Because AFAIK she was T-tier compared to heroes like Ana, Moira, Lucio and even Brigitte despite seeing some gameplay. Phamercy is excluded from that since it’s her high synergy niche pick that doesn’t consider balance.

Also nerfing an already balanced hero just to shift meta is an absurd and unreasonable reason to nerf a hero. If that’s the reason she was nerfed then that’s an argument to buff her, not the other way around. Another thing is that all heroes are equal despite their skill level and this is already something that the officials have made clear. Thinking that a hero should be sub-optimal just because they have a lower skill floor is naive and wrong.

Irrelevant so I’m not even going to question who these pros or streamers are. Mercy’s previous states are also completely irrelevant. The only things that matter are that she was in line with other supports statistics-wise last season and is currently underperforming heavily. Since her damage boosting changes were addressed as “fixes” they aren’t under the spectrum to change back, but her healing should be reverted from an objective standpoint.

This is also irrelevant because you’re talking about the prenerfs Mercy 2.0 versions that were blatantly OP and Mercy 1.0 that has absolutely nothing to do with anything here. That’s almost against the CoC since it’s almost just plain derailing the topic. Last season she was picked at almost any point due to her team synergy that was destroyed like I said before.

I have to be honest and say that I have no idea what you’re trying to say here because none of it makes any sense :joy: :joy:

Ana can definitely escape 2+ players jumping onto her but if they continue to chase her in a 2+v1 scenario then yes Ana dies and that’s completely fine just like using an ultimate to escape. That’s what you sometimes go for. You try to force the Zen to use his ultimate so you can combo after that.

All that editing and writing just to only point out that she saw some play at the contenders but even that’s without any relevant statistics or any concrete counterarguments other than random personal opinions :confused:

:sweat_smile: This forum is in such a sad state. Why expend all this energy in trying to convince this Mercy hater of anything? We could be debating actual solutions and ways to improve on the hero designs. All these walls of texts boil down to is “Me think Mercy need no skill” and then you waste time trying to explain how the world isn’t that simplistic just so he can reply with “Nu, Mercy need no skill!” Don’t get me wrong, I’ve wasted plenty of time myself on these trolls but eventually you gotta give it up. It’s truly a waste of your time. You might as well be debating with a wall.

I gave an actual response to this thread with how the design of Mercy might be improved. You know, an opening for an actual debate… an actual idea. Something we could talk about, rather than just engage in more brain dead back and forth with the hater. We could talk about that or you come up with some ideas of your own.

These things will be infinitely more interesting than trying to convince a blind person that the grass is green. :joy:

An ignore option would be great, but if you’ve got the will power for it, just don’t bother reading. It’s easy! :joy:

Im not exaduarating. Just on the eu for this month they are 10 Mercy topics (And thats after Admins have merged/clean/deleted them up.

How is Mercy easy to focus? Shes not unkillable but from the support crew she has ways to dash and she can fly if things get to spicy for her.

Moira isnt as mobile as Mercy when she ults. She can heal and dmg a lot of players but only if they aline for her do to so, thats something that doesnt happen espeaually at higher ranks. Ill be current moira for me is a lot more weaker and wanted in a team then Mercy is.

But resurrect doesnt work like Tracer nor Pharah, Yes its uniq and thats nice but it just removed any punishments to did to that Player to kill him.

This is not exaguration.
Mercy in her ulty will only get hard counters by some hitscan heroes (and this is only if she does not pay any attention to her surrounding.) its not hard to line of sight players when you are flying and your are moving faster then normal since her ulty gives her a flyspeed boost. So not only are you immune to melee heroes like Rine, Winston you are basicly immuneto proj heroes (with the exeption that Hanzo is the best proj based hero that might spamm you out of the air) Ill be the heroes that can get mercy out of the sky are "Spammzo, Widow, Mcree, S67(a good one that knows how to track and burst fire) and Ana. Rest of the heroes have like 5% chance at best to kill her.

Why is it ok that she heals more then Ana in GM? And what about the 99% of players who arnt in GM? Since my main agrument is that the moment mercy is unfairly stong again the same people will start spamming topic to nerf mercy and make her fair. Im sorry but she’s not fair for me it takes noting to do good as Mercy nor does it feel rewarding. If they want this kit in the game it had to be weak other wise its just not fun. And thats my oppinion and it woun’t chance since we are in a COMPETATIVE game here.

Ohh but it is sadly, and stacking Mercy and Zen just leads to that abuse and its the reason Mercy is no longer a main healer. The most used team on words that i see if Mercy, Brigitte, Zen, Zarya, Rine, Hanzo. And comp doesnt need any more healing. It has sustain dmg and a lot of browing power on top of countering dive.
Im happy to see any change that pushes the game away from that comp since it takes only 3 player being good rest can just resident sleepers.

Ill be overbuff tracks stats for only half on year and if you sort that up you’ll see Mercy at the top by pick and winrate for comp and qp.
Here’s a copy past.

Hero Pick Rate Win Rate Tie Rate On Fire
MercySupport Mercy
ReinhardtTank Reinhardt
MoiraSupport Moira
D.VaTank D.Va
ZenyattaSupport Zenyatta
ZaryaTank Zarya
AnaSupport Ana
GenjiOffense Genji
Im can go to older post’s i talking about Mercy from 1 and 2 years agol just to copy pass her currect win to pick % but i have a life so i wount waste houst of my time serching on the old forums just to not change your death on opppinion about mercy since just like you cant change mine, i cant you’re. If you wanna see the past to do the old forums, nothing is deleted from their.
Im just here to expess my opinion about the current Mercy and i think that shes 100% ok and thats abouu all their is to it. Feel free to make Mercy sound fail when shes not.

It was to lower her close to 60% winrate at GR mast. And it did work. So i can only aplode blizzard for the support changes they added into the game.
I can finally play Ana without having Meta slaves on my team asking my to swap Mercy cause Dmging boosting and resurrecting them is better then anything Ana coude to.

one-trick banning is not in the Coc but getting reported a lot for not carrying games or swapping of heroes will get your banned. I dont expect Mercys to know how it feels to play your hero and get banned since Mercy was just a well accepted hero in every damn teamcomp and she still is.

I wanted to say that Mercy main support with a Zen off support was to much of a duo and needed to be seperated. And the best way to do that was to Nerf mercys healing so that duo has a hartder time healing BTW its not like they didnt adapt Brigitte in that teamcomp to cover for the current lack of healing and still make use of the 2 infinity dmg boosts.

Yes but if you try to chace mercy she can hold on to her ult and let her auto regen and dashes carry her out in most cases(not in all) on top of that shes healing people when escaping. Rest of the healers have to stop healing Mercy jsut heals since shes non interactive. Ill be its much better then the old hide and seek style but at lest when i jump ana as anything she will have to pay attentiion to me and not her team aka im forcing her to interact with me.

I think that shes not the harders heroes, i have yet to say that that’s bad all i said was that its hard to balanced for every rank and that people will flod the foums yet again once she’s power creeped like before. Mind you at lest i used some statistics the video on this topic showed non. And just for you i wount eddit typos since you think that “that much editing” is bad so enjoy.

If mercy is so bad why did she see more then 90% of pick rate in the playoffs(2-3 days agol with her nerfs) That clearly shows me that Mercy is still more then welcome in every teamcomp.

Non the less if you ask me:
“Do you want to see Mercy get a buff” ill instantly say no. Cause its my opinion.
but if you ask me"
“Do you want to see Mercy reworked” ill say Yes since i dont like her kit and i think that in 100% of the case it will feel to weak to some and to strong to others.
The forum just proves that point. Just like you guys think Mercy is a hopeless troll pick thats how i think thats shes a Masiv + to a team that can’t miss any valiu.

10 whole topics this month? Wow how dare people spam Mercy topics??! :joy: :joy:

Because she can’t fight back and can only use GA to fly to allies making her movements predictable. Moira can just fade, Boostio can just speed boost, Baguette has a shield and good melee, Ana can sleep and use nade and Zen can challenge flankers. Point is that healing behind barriers is relatively irrelevant because if your team is already there you’re no more than 15m behind them with the only option to use mobility forwards with no defensive abilities

Yes and it has 30s cooldown and prevents you from healing while you just stand almost still while channeling

Just like with Lucio or Zen or Brig ult you mean? Except that it’s just a worse version of all of these ultimates since you can still be focused down with the only redeeming quality being the slightly longer duration

Ok you clearly have absolutely no idea on any of the supports actually work or how they perform statistics-wise and even when you have a source for material you look at completely irrelevant data. If you want to see current support performance statistics go to
Then switch settings to: This Week - PC - Competitive - Support - Master/GM - Primary

I’m not even going to read the rest of your reply since you’ve pointed out that not only do you have no actual clue what you’re talking about but you’re also more interested in forcing your own objectively unhealthy opinions into a discussion where they’re completely irrelevant. I don’t care for any of that T-tier stuff rather than having an actually contructive discussion. For this reason I’m out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Look ill said all i have to say.

That’s after all the cleaning and merging admins do. You think this topic will stay? They will just move everything we said to the OG topic and lock or delete this one.
That’s just on EU and only in “General Discussion” They are a lot more of them in the Rank discussion corner. You are just to lazy to check them out i guess.

"Don’t post in all CAPS, use a misleading title, or use excessive punctuation, etc.
“Don’t post about locked or deleted threads.”
“Don’t post existing topics”

There’s always a reason behind our moderators’ decisions. It’s up to you to read the forum Code of Conduct and these guidelines to determine what you did wrong, learn from your mistake, and attempt to post again without breaking any rules.

I love how its ok that Bastion, Torb and etc see less then 1% of play but Mercy is the one that needs more love and help. Just priceless. “1st world mercy main problems” spamming the same post just says “screw the game all we care for is mercy since that’s what we picked to play LOL.”

Even if its just 10 (and they are more and they are other forums like US, KR, AU etc on top of other sections of each forum). that have the same topics on them as well) Mind you the 99% of the mercy topics on UE hold about 6 players discusing in total 2 people that want to buff Mercy, 2 people that thinks that she’s ok and about 2 people that want her to get nerfd more.

Ill be no Mercy main has ever told me straight up why a hero of that capacity needs to do better than the rest for what it takes to get her full value out.
Main argument Mercy mains bring is “Mercy takes a lot of skills” than they talk about game sense and awareness and that’s something every player need to have…

Please i have a tank and a support only account in GM i’m pretty sure i know how to play this game. And ill be on all my account the one that’s the hardest to rank up is the DPS one. This might mean that i sick at dps or that everything els is just easier.

Goodness gracious a Mercy stopped healing for 1.75 sec to fix the misplay of someone els, oh no meanwhile other support have to interact with everything they see.

Anyway i should have stopped replying to you the moment you used emojis.
Ill stop replying since i don’t wanna give false topics more exposure then they deserve.