The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

Ah, that’s understandable.

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The <HR> option for a horizontal line that separates the post is kinda inconsistent depending on the zoom level you are using. Spawning between 80% and 100% zoom level will make some of them go invisible and vice versa.

You’re correct, thanks for making me aware of that. I’ll check if it’s something I can fix.


Sorry if I bump this thread but I think I found a glitch on the forum. I remember someone with a lower trust lvl than 3 quoting an image sucessfully. If that works then you could quote a player and add your own image in the quote to appear and basically circumvent the trust lvl system. However, just to be sure, could someone try to quote the following images to see if it is really working. Your trust lvl need to be lower than 3 though.

Embedded via <img>

Embedded via direct link.