The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

To all heroes of Azeroth, Sanctuary, Aiur, the Nexus and future Earth!

Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Pachimari, one of the many Customer Service MVPs in Europe. :wave: If you’re reading this, it means that the forums for your favorite game have been updated to the much better version that you’re browsing right now. :partying_face: Not only have many things become easier to manage; there are plenty of exciting new functions as well, like Blizz trackers, notifications and real-time updates.

As you may already know, these new forums are based on Discourse, and its coolest feature is without a doubt that it allows you to use particular kinds of code in your posts. :heartpulse: I decided to create this guide to show you all the different tools you can use in order to customize your topics and replies. Feel free to save this page as a bookmark in your web browser so that you always find it in case you need it! :star:

While most of the following codes are available for everybody, some specific codes are bound to a certain trust level. This table shows you the requirements and unlockable features for each trust level:

(NOTE: This has not been confirmed by Blizzard yet. The exact requirements may vary between different games and languages. No guarantees!)
Trust Level
1 - Enter 5 Topics
- Read 30 Posts
- Spend a Total of 10 Minutes reading Posts
- Post more than 3 Topics
- Post more than 10 Replies
- Edit Wiki Posts
- Flag Posts
2 - Enter 20 Topics
- Read 100 Posts
- Spend a Total of 1 Hour reading Posts
- Visit the Forums for 15 Days (not sequentially)
- Like a Post
- Receive a Like
- Reply to 3 different Topics
- Create Links to trusted Websites
  (Blizzard, YouTube, Twitch etc.)
- Create Video Embeds
- Increased Like Count
3 - Visit the Forums on 50% of the last 100 Days
- Read 500 Topics created in the last 100 Days
- Read 20,000 Posts created in the last 100 Days
- Like 30 Posts
- Receive 20 Likes
- Reply to 10 different Topics
- Don’t have more than 5 Spam/Offensive Flags
- Don’t be suspended in any Blizzard Game or Forum
- Post Images
- Create Links to any Website
- Create Wiki Posts

Please also note that your trust level can decay over time. :warning: Now that you know what the different trust levels are and how to reach them, let’s take an actual look at the things we can utilize. To do this, just click on one of the following categories to show its functions as well as their code form equivalents:

Text Formatting

Bold Text

<b>Hello world!</b>
<strong>Hello world!</strong>
[b]Hello world![/b]
**Hello world!**
__Hello world!__

Hello world!

Italic Text

<i>Hello world!</i>
<em>Hello world!</em>
[i]Hello world![/i]
*Hello world!*
_Hello world!_

Hello world!

Strikethrough Text

<s>Hello world!</s>
<strike>Hello world!</strike>
[s]Hello world![/s]
~~Hello world!~~

Hello world!

Abbreviated Text

Hover your mouse over the abbreviated text to see the full message!
<abbr title="Good Luck, Have Fun!">GL, HF!</abbr>


Inserted Text

<ins>Hello world!</ins>

Hello world!

Deleted Text

<del>Hello world!</del>

Hello world!

Keyboard Text

Press <kbd>A</kbd> to continue

Press A to continue

Code Block

[code]Hello world![/code]
Hello world!
Hello world!

Code Line

Use this when you want to post a link but don't have the required trust level.
<code>Hello world!</code>
`Hello world!`

Hello world!

Quoted Text

To use a personalized quote, highlight someone's text and a Quote button should appear.
<blockquote>Hello world!</blockquote>
[quote]Hello world![/quote]
> Hello world!
Hello world!

Superscripted Text

Hello <sup>world!</sup>

Hello world!

Subscripted Text

Hello <sub>world!</sub>

Hello world!


Align Left

<div align="left">Hello world!</div>
Hello world!

Align Center

<div align="center">Hello world!</div>
Hello world!

Align Right

<div align="right">Hello world!</div>
Hello world!


<div align="justify">Blizzard Entertainment is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software. After establishing the Blizzard Entertainment label in 1994, the company quickly became one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. By focusing on creating well-designed, highly enjoyable entertainment experiences, Blizzard Entertainment has maintained an unparalleled reputation for quality since its inception.</div>
Blizzard Entertainment is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software. After establishing the Blizzard Entertainment label in 1994, the company quickly became one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. By focusing on creating well-designed, highly enjoyable entertainment experiences, Blizzard Entertainment has maintained an unparalleled reputation for quality since its inception.


Descriptions are placed a little farther to the right.
<dd>Hello world!</dd>
Hello world!

Non-Breaking Space

Need extra spaces? Just pressing Space multiple times won't work, so use this instead!
Hello &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; world!

Hello                   world!


When you want to put some empty space between your paragraphs.



Font Sizes

Big Text

<big>Hello world!</big>

Hello world!

Small Text

<small>Hello world!</small>

Hello world!

Heading, Size 1

<h1>Hello world!</h1>
# Hello world!
Hello world!

Hello world!

Heading, Size 2

<h2>Hello world!</h2>
## Hello world!
Hello world!

Hello world!

Heading, Size 3

<h3>Hello world!</h3>
### Hello world!

Hello world!

Heading, Size 4

<h4>Hello world!</h4>
#### Hello world!

Hello world!

Heading, Size 5

<h5>Hello world!</h5>
##### Hello world!
Hello world!

Heading, Size 6

<h6>Hello world!</h6>
###### Hello world!
Hello world!

Links & Images

Text with Link

<a href="">Blizzard</a>



An anchor is a reference to a specific part of your post.
Just place an anchor anywhere in your post like this:

<a name="AnchorName"></a>

In my case, I placed an anchor at the beginning of this guide.
Now use a link and enter # as well as the name of your anchor.

<a href="#AnchorName">Back to the Top</a>
[Back to the Top](#AnchorName)

Back to the Top


Images can be embedded by just entering their link, or using HTML code.
Make sure that the image source ends with a format such as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .gif.
If your image is not being displayed, it is likely that the image is too large.
<img src="">

Scaled Images

If your image is too big or small, you may want to scale it accordingly.
There is no need to use both width and height.
Changing one will proportionally change the other. Your image won’t be stretched in a weird way.

<img src="" width="250">

Image with Link

Combine an image with a link to make that image clickable.
Instead of entering an internet address, you can also link to an anchor!

<a href=""><img src=""></a>


Sound / Music

Sounds must be in the format .ogg. A player with a download option will appear automatically!

YouTube Video

Vimeo Video

Twitch Video

Twitch Stream

Tables & Lists

Table (Easy)

This method even allows you to set the alignment for every single column with : and -.
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| :-- | :-: | --: |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| Left | Center | Right |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1 2 3
Left Center Right
4 5 6

Table (Advanced)

The first line of the table, the header, is inserted using th.
Any data after that can be added using td.
Use tr to continue with the next line of your table.

<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<th>Column 3</th>
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1 2 3
4 5 6

Unordered List (Easy)

Use -, + or * for every object.
- Object A
+ Object B
* Object C
  • Object A
  • Object B
  • Object C

Unordered List (Advanced)

Each object is added with li.

<li>Object A</li>
<li>Object B</li>
<li>Object C</li>
  • Object A
  • Object B
  • Object C

Ordered List

A list in a particular order. Each list item is added with li.
You can (but don’t have to) set the starting number using start.
If you leave this out, the list will count starting from 1.

<ol start="38">
<li>Object A</li>
<li>Object B</li>
<li>Object C</li>
  1. Object A
  2. Object B
  3. Object C

Google Maps

Go to Google Maps and search for any place. In the left window, click SHARE.

Click on Embed a map.

Select a size of your choice and then click COPY HTML.

Paste the code into your post. You now have a fully functioning, interactive map!

<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3320.9893536006693!2d-117.76897698442434!3d33.65743774587851!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x80dcde82907fe8bb%3A0xcb7104743d635730!2sBlizzard+Entertainment!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sde!4v1543517886574" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Google Calendar

Go to Google Calendar. Select a calendar on the left and click on the three dots next to it.

Click on Settings.

On the left side, click on Integrate calendar.

Copy the embed code that is shown.

Paste the code into your post. You now have a fully functioning, interactive calendar!

<iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>



Create an empty frame. Set the dimensions with width and height.

<iframe width="300" height="145">


Create a small menu that can be opened for more details.
<summary>Knock knock!</summary>
Who's there?
Knock knock! Who's there?

Horizontal Line



Comments are only visible when looking at the source code. Ideal for hidden messages!
Nothing suspicious in here. <Nothing at all.>
Nothing suspicious in here. <!-- Nothing at all. -->

Nothing suspicious in here.

Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

Why have the forums been replaced in the first place?

The goal was to make the forums easier to navigate, to foster more engaging conversations, and to reward those who contribute in positive ways. :innocent: Blizzard hopes that the brand-new forums and their new functionalities will accomplish these goals. Any further feedback is highly appreciated, of course!

What will happen to the threads and posts of the old forums?

Only a small portion of the posts will be migrated over to the new forums. There’s no need to worry though: For a limited time, the old forums will be available in a “read only” state, allowing you to save your favorite conversations elsewhere if you plan to revisit old memories at some point in the future.

What new features are there?

Some of the new features are trust levels, the Blizz Tracker to quickly find official posts, preformatted text, real-time updates, infinite scrolling, notifications, preferences, better support for mobile devices, home screen shortcuts, bookmarks and advanced searching and sorting with configurable time frames.

What happens after I flag a post?

Flagging a post and selecting the appropriate category will flag it for manual review by a moderator. For a few minutes, you may undo the flag again. Users can only issue a very limited amount of flags each day. Threads may end up becoming automatically locked for 24 hours if enough flags are received. :no_entry_sign:

How can I see my trust level?

Right now, there unfortunately is no way to see your trust level directly. However, there is a workaround: Click on your forum avatar to view your profile. Now add .json behind the URL. Press Ctrl + F and search for “trust_level”. The one with the highest number is the one you’re currently assigned to.

What is a Wiki Post?

A Wiki Post is a post that anybody can edit, not just the author! To edit a Wiki Post, a user must have reached Trust Level 1. To create a Wiki Post themselves, they must have reached Trust Level 3. To turn your own post into a Wiki Post, just click the wrench symbol at the bottom and select Make Wiki. :wrench:

Where can I leave my feedback about this amazingly helpful guide?

First of all, thank you very much for reading my guide! :innocent: I literally spent days making it and I hope it’ll prove useful to some of you. If you have any questions, feedback to provide or would like see something added, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Since this guide has been posted multiple times across all of Blizzard’s game forums, unfortunately it’s hard for me to keep track of them all. :confounded:

Therefore, please message me on Twitter if you got something on your mind, or shoot me an email. I’ll try to answer ASAP! Thanks in advance. Now best of luck on your forum adventures! :cowboy_hat_face:


Hey everyone,

this thread is an updated version of my HTML Forum Cheat Sheet. Since that thread was auto-locked due to inactivity and therefore can’t be edited anymore, I had to make a new one. Hope you’ll enjoy! :raised_hands:


There are some other things that might be useful.

Posting links with trust lvl 2 or below
for users with a lower trust level than 3, you can still post a URL without breaking the string by inserting it as a code line:

Shortcut for horizontal lines
This is one part of the post 


This is another part of the post

This is one part of the post

This is another part of the post

Weird shortcut for heading size 2
This is a heading

This is a heading

I’ll update the post when I find some new tools. Hope that helps!

1 Like

I added the shortcuts, thank you very much for the addition! :star_struck:
For the “posting links” thing, there’s a little description under “Text Formatting” > “Code Line”.

By the way, I also added anchors in the “Links & Images” category. Enjoy!

1 Like

Wow nice stuff for useless forum trolls yay

1 Like

You’re welcome :wink:

Also, I found another shortcut.

Shortcut for heading, Size 1
This is a heading

This is a heading

You should also be able to

1. Make an
2. ordered list
3. by just putting numbers and dots.
  1. Make an
  2. ordered list
  3. by just putting numbers and dots.


Triple backticks will make a fenced, but not indented, (aka code) block.
And the reason those backticks aren't considered markdown (the notation we're talking about in this thread) is that I nested them inside FOUR backticks (````) making a higher-level fenced block :) The backticks need to be on their own line.
Triple backticks will make a fenced, but not indented, (aka code) block.
And the reason those backticks aren't considered markdown (the notation we're talking about in this thread) is that I nested them inside FOUR backticks (````) making a higher-level fenced block :) The backticks need to be on their own line.
Like this. But this block is instead indented, using four spaces, so I could actually show the backticks. Edit: Apparently Blizzard doesn't indent indented blocks, but treats them like fenced ones.
Like this. But this block is instead indented, using four spaces, so I could actually show the backticks. Edit: Apparently Blizzard doesn't indent indented blocks, but treats them like fenced ones.

Why is this topic not a “sticky”?


It needs to be pinned by a moderator or community manager. Pachimari is just an MVP, which doesn’t give them moderator-rights, if I recall correctly.

If a Mod or community manager sees this thread though, please pin it! It is a great addition to the forum and new members can have a quick look on what’s possible on the forum.

I found a way to add my little boi with a horizontal line :smiley:
Though I wonder if there is an option to change the line height in some sort of way.

Edit: it doesn’t look good on the smartphone. Welp, I’ll find a solution. Sorry for messing with the image function :sweat_smile:


Hey, you gave me some sort of notification that linked me to another thread with this similar icon: :point_right:

How did you do that?

Under the latest comment of any given thread you can see

Bookmark, share, flag, invite and reply

‘Invite’ allows you to invite a forum user to the current post.

Oh that’s what it does. Thanks :smiley:

No problem.

The reason why I invited you to it is because the thread in question was about us (I’m guessing).

Wouldn’t this be appropriate as a wiki post ?

Wish they made it more clear on how to raise the trust level…
I just wanna spam Moira eating popcorn.jpg
Only thing i’ve seen is this
And so far without nono words out of context mine has yet to rise up on this account after that one time i was a bad boy. (more then 1k post in the past). smh

Looking at your .json page, you already are lvl 3 so you should be able to do that.

If it still doesn’t work, let me enjoy your suffering


oh damn i can do it now forsome reason, but believe me i tried and it didnt work…
Well times to spam the living heck out of this i guess.

1 Like

It lets you add more personality thou, now everyone can know im a weeb trash.


I don’t want to do this because of two reasons:

  • This post also exists on the Heroes and WoW forums as well as the German Overwatch, Heroes and WoW forums. When updating one of them, it means I need to update the others as well. Turning them into Wiki Posts makes me lose track of what gets added in which version.
  • To prevent vandalism.


Yea, same happend to me. Same goes for posting links as well.