There no defense against report system abuse

They cant really ban me after they have already perma banned my account. And the GM’s name I’ve been talking with has been replaced. On top of that it’s just to show that those are the words that get you perma banned which is ridiculous.
Guess I’m not going to buy an other copy just to end up banned again for saying gg.

Its the reports that matter since “Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision”.
A lot of things can get you a ban that aren’t bannable.
Not swaping from a hero in not bannable but if enoug people report you for that you will get punished.
Same as you’r case.
Asking for something isn’t worth a ban. But forming it in a way that can get you reported will get you punished.
You are free to ask for anything you wan’t if you form it in the right way.
Its not hard to act like this
Use voice chat as well, since using the text chat is so 2012 gaming. Plus tryharding without voice chat is not tryharding.

He would probably even agree when someone reports someone for saying “good work”.

He is beyond salvation.

It really doesn’t matter what i think about it, it only matter how it works and how people use it.

Me liking, hating or using it doesn’t matter since i can’t solo ban people nor make people react positively when you call them bad.

But now what i can and i am doing is controling my actions to a degree that wont get me reported.

If i want someone to swap i’m not going to say “swap off you useless torb troll pick” if i was in a position to only use the text chat… ill say “Hay torb at this point the other team have your number, its really getting hard on us keeping you up, mind swapping to something more suitable.” or something like that, Its a bit difrent then “this dps is useless” or “Its QP so i guess we trow”.

Even after that no one is stopping that player from not swapping on demand. His not a slave. You are still free to not like his choice but the moment you openly state it you for sure will at lest get reported once and from that guy you call bad. The question after that is how many people think that you are wrong and report you or think that you are right and presure or report him. This is the main outcome the moment you form it in an aggressive/offensive way.

An absolute joke of a game that breeds toxicity through its lack of balance, game mechanics, even heroes and emotes/voice lines, to which you add a company that showed countless times how little they care about their players and how their inflated ego’s make them look downright stupid, and you’d still buy their game again? Personally, I got it with wow gold on a friend’s advice and even now I regret it. It’s fun 10% of the time ( win or lose) and horrendous pile of crap the rest of 90% no matter what you do/try. I got silenced recently after getting tilted by throwers/leavers/smurfs etc, but I earned that silence for the things I could spill out so I’m not too mad about it. However, endorsement level is gone, I can’t communicate with my team, so all that’s left for me is to have the most fun one can have with this game, and that is trolling hard and doing whatever the hell I want in games. Are they going to report me for actually trying hard with torb in attack ? :smiley: So be it.

#Oh yes, and I’ll report into oblivion everyone for the smallest thing just because I can. Getting lots of thank you for reports lately. Fun aspect of the game. /s

How is “our DPS is terrible” constructive? Has anybody ever said this and got a positive reaction/change in team performance? You will in best case scenario distract the perceived poor performers and at worst make them decide to throw.

I’m constantly talking in chat and only single players out for doing good stuff. Anything else I talk generally eg “we need to group up and not trickle in”/“do any of our DPS play McCree or Soldier - we need to counter that Pharah”/“It’s not fair on the Zen to solo heal, can anyone else play a healer?”.

I am old, have never had good reflexes so am not great at the game. However, I win more games than I lose just by coming to every game with and unflappable positive attitude. I like playing DPS but rarely do in Comp as my priority is filling the gaps. Maybe it’s just a maturity thing?

I have multiple team mates asking if they can add me as a friend and get messages from people listening (but not talking) thanking me. One guy messaged me yesterday saying “thanks, you made my day hearing someone so positive”.


fvck this game
its beyond ret ardation.

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I don’t call specific people bad. And let’s be honest this is still a competitive game with a competitive mindset. Yes, if you are performing bad you have to switch. As I have mentioned before it’s not a 3+ game that you play mindlessly without any rules or objectives. When your team is telling you that the DPS is bad or that you are doing bad, then it’s time to switch.
Instead of getting mad and reporting any thoughtful person just because you cannot handle that you can’t play your favourite hero without giving a flying f about the situation and without reflecting on your own play or performance and thinking of how does it affect the outcome of a match.

I have to agree with this point. However after the 40th game day by day, it gets a little bit boring when you face the god knows which th. kid who only likes to play widow no matter what does the enemy team have.

And I believe it should go vice-versa. I’m more than willing to get off a specific hero if my team asks me to do so. For eg. when I am not hitting those important shots with Ana.

Is it just that hard to give up on personal reflections and actually focus on your team to give the best possible chances of winning? Should they be less effective just because you like to play only a single hero?

Whenever I am being told that “healing is terrible”, or that I might be performing badly in a way or an other, I just switch to something else and actually help my team instead of reporting the guy who made me reconsider my pick.

I’m sorry to contradict you buddy, but that is also reportable according to Blizz’s ToU. One of the things that got me banned when I said wow this widow was playing so good she carried. What’s wrong with telling someone popping off that he’s been playing really good? Should I get perma banned just because someone doesn’t agree with me and reported me?

Do you guys seriously think telling that someone was performing rather poorly could ever warrant a perma ban with no prior warnings? Following this logic I can’t tell a gengu with 0/15 KD that he’s not really contributing anything to the team other than feeding ult charge because I might get banned forever if his stack reports me?
Is this the Blizzard way when you have to shut up about every possible thought that’s not about pink clouds and rainbows? Does this mean that everyone is free to do whatever the hell they like in competitive, because they decide what’s acceptable and what’s not and I should be treated as a criminal when daring to question it?

All I can say is I speak constantly whilst playing Comp and despite playing for 100s of hours have never had any suspensions/bans etc. This is about how you are judged by lots of people over time, you are unlikely to be banned for one ‘event’ (even if a stack report you).

As I’ve said you can communicate with your team what is going wrong without something so useless as “our DPS suck!” You may at times rightfully feel this way but focus on the end result you want and how to get it. Main thing is leave emotion at the door.

I like to always look to my performance first before judging others ingame, But its a real pain when u have a DPS that is just under-performing to much, Now this wouldnt be a issue but 9/10 times there ego’s are in the way of switching to a roll that is less impactfull.

But you cant say anything to this player cuz he/she will report you if ask them to switch.

Tbh if i am playing bad on a certain class/hero i dont mind people calling me out on it… no matter how they choose to do it , I want to get better at this game and it wont happen if people tell me i did great after a match i did horrible in.

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Picks are more important than even performance. I meet Sombra mains all the time and they are not bad but Sombra is just so hard to get value of I cant stop thinking what if we had a Hanzo. I don’t report/avoid/rant at them of course, just feel slightly annoyed.

if you follow pro ow lately ,you can see that sombra’s everywhere there

and the best part of sombra is that her value scales with how well the team abuse the info she gives about enemies position and hack/emp

Same thing as the 3 tanks + 3 support composition - what works in the pro scene does not necessarily do in normal competitive matches. Even if the Sombra player calls out hacks and EMPs it is very hard to follow him and secure the kills and in this case a better, more independent DPS, will be preferable.

what? you can never go wrong with triple tank

what hahaha idk what game you’re playing but in ranked everything can work

what works in ranked does not necessarily do in pro ow*

well you/your team being lazy isnt sombra fault

Not sure where you get that from but “everything works in ranked” is wrong. It can happen, games with 5 or 6 DPS have been won, doesn’t make them the norm. For 3 tanks you need a ton of coordination on top of your zen/brigitte doing enough DPS to kill something. This working is obviously not the norm in a chaotic environment. The very same thing for Sombra. If you want to make her work you need to be good at killing because the so called “support” sombra who disrupts is only going to work sparingly.

And that takes me to a youtuve video from Sunless. Although it’s from a different game, the subject can be applied to every multipayer game.

Trying to communicate critique results in toxic behaviour. You have to be very politically-correct and tip-toe around because it’s a mine field out there.

you realize that the reason why 2/2/2 is considered “norm” is because of pro ow

you can win with a 6 dps in ranked and you can do it consistently but you cant do that in high ranks and pro ow

what brings me to my statement “what works in ranked does not necessarily do in pro ow”

you really dont get the idea behind goat comp

the idea of gota comp’s to take heroes who can ignore metrix and shields

you pretty much saying “because i’m not willing to play around sombra therefore sombra is a bad hero” even tho playing around sombra gives your team a massive advantage

You don’t get it. A composition having a chance doesn’t mean it’ll have the same chance as other ones. Say you compare the standard Rein+Zarya(pre-nerf)+Hanzo vs something like D.Va+Winston+Genji. Which one would work better? Obviously the tried and trusted look at the enemy team and press Q one. The second one could work but since it requires more teamwork and more skill it will be less common, also people who see their team is going into this direction wont trust it as much.

Meta is meta, it uses what works the best. Sombra is currently outside of the meta in competitive, so are the dive comps, so are the Bastion comps and so on and so forth. Doesn’t mean they wont work, it only means you’ll have a lower chance to do well with them.

I like how you said I have to work with the Sombra. If there was any other DPS I wouldn’t need to work with them pass the most rudimentary heal them/protect them. You are basically admitting that for the more exotic heroes and compositions more effort is involved which is completely true and which is why they can fly at the professional level but not when a collection of 6 scrubs tries to win a game.

i got suspended for “abusive chat” when i have teamchat and allchat muted to avoid toxicity… when i contested it i was told by the customer lack of support agent that “non-communication in a team based game could be considered toxic and upheld the suspension”

damned if you do, damned if you dont…

i find it funny though that the lack of brains on the customer lack of support side is going to end up killing this game…

when everyone is banned because of toxicity… there will be no players and hence no toxicity… nice one blizzard :+1:

So you play competitively without using voice chat… Thats makes 0 sence.

This is not true…
He can do everything he wants like i say people quie in Gr master games as a 4 DPS party screwing any chance you have of making a good “team comp” and blizzard made it that way… If people queing for high rank with 4 dps is fine then anyone playing what he likes no matter the matchup is fine as well. You are free to ask him to swap in the right manner or report him if you think that his trolling but thats about it anything more then this and you will look toxic at lest to that guy and get reported by him, like it or not thats how its made.

Nothing is stopping him from not playing on any of the heroes he likes, I do it knowing i have a chance to get reported on every game i dont solo carry…
I dont know guess you havn’t seen the worse of overwatch… Most people know whats good 90% of the time but if they dont wish to act on that knowage you have to respect that. Since for sure most of the healers are guilty of being in a bad matchup most of the time or picking non meta healers like lucio but you dont see players giving them nearly as much bussnes as they give a high skill cap hero when he misplayers or doesn’t win every game.

Ill tell you this swaping =/= wining… No matter who you are you will lose some games and people like you will tilt on this lost games and they will flame, boss or report you for that… If your dps is doing badly saying “our dps is terrible” will make him play worse and report you… No one preforms well under pressure nor must take take your word for them self… So by your logic i can join a game and just spamm chat at everyone to swap every 10 sec when they didnt get a solo team kill or lost a fight.

Just play the damn game and tryhard for yourself not the other members the moment you try to make someone else bend to your will with insolts non the less… you will get reported by at lest that guy you try to boss. On top of disturbing the team in a negative way.

If you tryhard play Comp and use Voice chat. The moment you don’t play with voice chat you can’t claim that you are trying hard. Nor will someone believe that you are tryharding if his on that team and sees that you dont use voice chat.

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