There no defense against report system abuse

So you have issues. Explains how you talk here.

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I dont think that its fair that support gets to relax all game long and boss you arounde.
If you want a dps swap to one ill take healer but you dont want that you want to play with the best dps players…

So you keep maining your hero even if your hero is worthless at the time?
This is actually banable.

Yes ill keep playing Widow and Ana only.
Just like people can Que in my Gr.Master promos useing LFG and setting a lock on 4 DPS instantly making our team a 4 dps one in comp. If thats ok then one tricking widow or ana is to.
Im fine if people report me for one tricking. And i dont make post complaning when one of my accounts gets closed due to that. If people report me that means im doing something that they don’t like to see. Thats the logic in:
“Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision”
Now you can use any sort of words that you want, as long as its not directed at one of your teammater and can couse them to tilt as well.
Since tilting everyone when you are tilted is the best thing do by this logic.
Just let the game play out, since it can be even worse.
And ill tell you:
"“switch off widow”, or “our dps is terrible”
Isn’t shot calling or the right way to address that problem.

Pluse you dont even know what false reproting is, since in all the cases of someone getting a ban for it is when he repot spamms someone when the game starts. Im not doing that.

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So you are good with widow. Cool mate!
Pressure… This is not a 3+ game which you can play without goals and objectives. Especially in competitive, that pressure is what makes you want to win. That’s the reason why you like playing widow because you feel like that’s the best you can give to your team. If you’re hitting those shots, keep playing her, you are a good team mate. If you’re not, then it’s time to try something else.

I play Ana and Moira/Mercy and understandably I want my team to help me instead of playing ffa with 5 dpses besides me.

Anyway can you stop insulting each other please. It doesn’t help.

Indeed it is still a flawed logic. Noone should end up banned just because some people like to play this game mindlessly

So if i play a game on widow on miss shots for 1 min i need to play a hero that i persoanlly know that ill do worse on only cause someone tells me to in the most rude way ever? If you think that you are shot calling or helping you are not. If you want a better dps player be one and then see how good it feels when every time you misplay someone tells you that you are bad, Especially heroes like widow or mccree that can be a hit and miss depending on things outside of the heroes she faces.

Best example of this and i see this a lot is.
Someone on my team gets killed, he sees me miss 1-2 shots on pharah or something that widow needs to counter and boom his instantly on me trying to get me to swap.

A good example of shotcalling is this. And you won’t see that in everyday QP games.

Yet for tanks and support they can make all the misplays they want and no one will even noticed since they are just designed like that…

Persoanlly if i started to correct everyone on how he played id get instantly banned since the moment i do QP i just cringe but thats what qp is for i guess.

“Wow he said switch, I want him banned!”
I want him punished. Now what the punishment will be doesn’t at all depend on me. Excuse me that i don’t want random people bossing me around on nothing but their own speculations furder more this rallyes people towards that one player who might just be having a bad game and it can lead to him getting reprot as well so yeah ill report. And seeing that i get a lot of “thanks for reproting” its working and my reports are legit. Blizzard don’t take reports from every account as well. So if i was false reporting or abusing anything then they will just black list me and tag my account with “illegitimate” and ignor my reports.

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So you want people pointing out the team’s weaknesses to be punished?

Of course it’s not a pleasant experience having to face criticism when you are not doing your job in a competitive environment. Should it mean that the one who dares to question your performance deserves a perma ban? The one who’s trying to actually win instead of running around like we were playing ffa?

You can point out the weaknessess if you do it like this.
You can’t point out weaknessess(that only you might be think that they are the problem) by saying: "

The 1st two will instantly get you reported by at lest one player, the guy you say this to or your dps.

More if you start talking about my Widow and I start talking about your pick, where does this get us? You are basically engaging in an argument when you need to be playing the game. And if you can’t tell that you are being passive aggressive then i can’t help you.
I’ll leave you with this.
“If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players.”

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If someone is getting hard countered or just playing badly then he needs to switch asap. Simple as that.

In my very last game I have been told to switch off Ana because I didn’t realise we were lacking proper heals because the enemy tracer was pooping on me. Should I have just reported the one who dared to think a bit and told me that I should switch because I’m bad?

I have been told exactly the same that I was doing pretty bad. Switched right away and ba dum tss I have helped my team. People should really learn from their misplays instead of crying to Blizzard when things goes against them.

Support/Tanks and Dps are a difrent thing.
I can flex fill all the supports and tanks. But you can’t flex on all the dps pick’s.
Counters at some point stop working vs hitscan (if you are good or lucky) and why must i switch to a more uncomfortable pick + that will make me lose all my ulty charge furder more making layway when you are on the losing side.

Some heroes get hard counter and other don’t. Even pros atm will tell you that Tracer is good vs Brigitte if you know how to play arounde Brigitte. Same for every hero. I use to tell junkrat players to swap the moment they are vs a Zarya or Pharah but then ive seen some junkrats that happen to Win that match up baste on knowing just how it plays out, And for someone to know how it will play out he needed to play into it.

And by singling out that player you are making him more likely to receive a report on top of the presure you force upon him on top of engaging in the worst way you can.
And more you are using the chat and tryharding/want to win… Like that’s just double standard and at worse you will make the other guy take time to go in a chatting war with you when both of you need to be playing.

If someone is beeing even a little toxic to my teammates i will reprt him. Doesnt matter if his on my team or “wants to win more then anyone els on that team”.

And for all that I have lost, I have been threatened with death, been told to kill myself, wished cancer upon me. Those offenders are still running around freely and I have ended up being perma banned because I dared to think, because I dared to tell my team if something was wrong. Because I was always trying to win even if it means I have to get someone to switch. That’s the shame of this broken report system. It’s unacceptable and shocking

Just cause something is worse then what you do doesn’t make you better.
Everyone who plays online comp games has been told that by now.
Best you can do is report, mute and move on with your games.
Beeing passiv agressiv to someone (believe me) only makes it worse.
Fact: People play worse when you flame them.
Keep that in mind for future games and i wish you luck ^^

Constructive criticism is still not flaming. It’s still not my fault if someone finds it toxic when told to switch.
I have always switched when I was performing poorly and when someone from my team helped me realize I was doing something wrong. That’s the way everyone should go about it instead of reporting every single person for anything they dare to say about your play.
And the end if the day it’s a competitive game that should be played for fun and to win whenever possible. Without having to fear of getting banned because you said sonething is not ideal in a particular situation.

Anyway I have a very strong sense of getting this thread locked by morning so farewell guys. It’s been a pleasure talking to you.

“switch off widow”, or “our dps is terrible” is not constructive criticism. Its you telling someone else what to do or what he is. You are free to use constructive criticism if you know how to form your sentence in a way that won’t look agressive.

Like i said, the moment you tell me that, whats stops me from telling you the same thing? What stops me from going into a full game chat war with you on how you removing the mercy beam for 0.05 sec from me cause me to lose a team fight on widow and such we can all think of hypothetical scenarios that to some will be trolling and to other they wont. Its all bad and it will only lead to negative things happening to the players in that team (even you).

If that player doesn’t want to swap then his free to do so, and you are free to report for gameplay sabutage, one-tricking or trolling if you think that’s the case.
Calling him useless as you can see can lead to you beeing punished as well.

Pluse no one is stopping you from finding a team to play with. Its a lot more easy for support and tanks to get teams then DPS since for DPS you really need to be on the level with supports you just get the job done close to 100% of the time with heroes that can’t misplay like Mercy and such. It’s really easy to tell people to play better when you are on support and you have all the time in the world to look at other players mistakes… That’s why i said if you want good DPS then pick DPS and do better. Since its so easy for you to tell someone to play something that he might not enjoy why don’t you just pick it? And you and me are no once to tell other people how to play vs counters and such. Since the moment the DPS are failing they fully know that they are and are working in one way or another on it. Yes swapping is good in some cases but i can safely say that 80% of the time people asked me to swap are wrong and come from nothing but then getting random tilt. I was baned for one tricking only cause prople reported me on every game that i didnt win when i had 60ish % win rate. At time the report stacked and i got punished. And it all starts from someone asking me to swap and ralling up the team vs me yet when i can get 60%+ winrate on widow with 100% play time on her(meaning that i’ve won vs a lot of counter pick’s) but he doesn’t know or care about that.
That’s why i let everyone who tells me that i fail as dps play dps and ill swap to his role the next runde and see how that does. And lemme tell you that it goes badly. Since if a DPS main is losing that matchup it means 2 things.
1 He makes misplayers.
2 Other team is better.
Some people think that Winston Genji counter Widow other will say that Widow has no counter.

That leaves you witht the option to play the thing you want to be played better or to play with a team. Saying this “switch off widow”, or “our dps is terrible“ really doesn’t help anyone. Plus we have no profe that you don’t say a lot of stuf like

I’m just willing to take your word for it. + leaking DM’s with Admins can get you ban as well so i’de change that if i was you since its vs the code of conduct.

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They cant really ban me after they have already perma banned my account. And the GM’s name I’ve been talking with has been replaced. On top of that it’s just to show that those are the words that get you perma banned which is ridiculous.
Guess I’m not going to buy an other copy just to end up banned again for saying gg.

Its the reports that matter since “Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision”.
A lot of things can get you a ban that aren’t bannable.
Not swaping from a hero in not bannable but if enoug people report you for that you will get punished.
Same as you’r case.
Asking for something isn’t worth a ban. But forming it in a way that can get you reported will get you punished.
You are free to ask for anything you wan’t if you form it in the right way.
Its not hard to act like this
Use voice chat as well, since using the text chat is so 2012 gaming. Plus tryharding without voice chat is not tryharding.

He would probably even agree when someone reports someone for saying “good work”.

He is beyond salvation.

It really doesn’t matter what i think about it, it only matter how it works and how people use it.

Me liking, hating or using it doesn’t matter since i can’t solo ban people nor make people react positively when you call them bad.

But now what i can and i am doing is controling my actions to a degree that wont get me reported.

If i want someone to swap i’m not going to say “swap off you useless torb troll pick” if i was in a position to only use the text chat… ill say “Hay torb at this point the other team have your number, its really getting hard on us keeping you up, mind swapping to something more suitable.” or something like that, Its a bit difrent then “this dps is useless” or “Its QP so i guess we trow”.

Even after that no one is stopping that player from not swapping on demand. His not a slave. You are still free to not like his choice but the moment you openly state it you for sure will at lest get reported once and from that guy you call bad. The question after that is how many people think that you are wrong and report you or think that you are right and presure or report him. This is the main outcome the moment you form it in an aggressive/offensive way.

An absolute joke of a game that breeds toxicity through its lack of balance, game mechanics, even heroes and emotes/voice lines, to which you add a company that showed countless times how little they care about their players and how their inflated ego’s make them look downright stupid, and you’d still buy their game again? Personally, I got it with wow gold on a friend’s advice and even now I regret it. It’s fun 10% of the time ( win or lose) and horrendous pile of crap the rest of 90% no matter what you do/try. I got silenced recently after getting tilted by throwers/leavers/smurfs etc, but I earned that silence for the things I could spill out so I’m not too mad about it. However, endorsement level is gone, I can’t communicate with my team, so all that’s left for me is to have the most fun one can have with this game, and that is trolling hard and doing whatever the hell I want in games. Are they going to report me for actually trying hard with torb in attack ? :smiley: So be it.

#Oh yes, and I’ll report into oblivion everyone for the smallest thing just because I can. Getting lots of thank you for reports lately. Fun aspect of the game. /s

How is “our DPS is terrible” constructive? Has anybody ever said this and got a positive reaction/change in team performance? You will in best case scenario distract the perceived poor performers and at worst make them decide to throw.

I’m constantly talking in chat and only single players out for doing good stuff. Anything else I talk generally eg “we need to group up and not trickle in”/“do any of our DPS play McCree or Soldier - we need to counter that Pharah”/“It’s not fair on the Zen to solo heal, can anyone else play a healer?”.

I am old, have never had good reflexes so am not great at the game. However, I win more games than I lose just by coming to every game with and unflappable positive attitude. I like playing DPS but rarely do in Comp as my priority is filling the gaps. Maybe it’s just a maturity thing?

I have multiple team mates asking if they can add me as a friend and get messages from people listening (but not talking) thanking me. One guy messaged me yesterday saying “thanks, you made my day hearing someone so positive”.