This player constantly request heals and if they arent being pocketed they report

So I recently had a game where a player on my team kept pushing too far ahead and requesting heals they only died once but they left the payload completly untouched the whole game, my friend was playing at the time and usually plays pc but we were on xbox so they were left on cart a Lucio but only stayed healing people not activating speed boost since they were the only ones on cart other than a Zarya, they stayed alive the rest of the game and we even won the game and the other team left, but so did they and then they messaged me “no heals no tank hope you lose” and then reported me, my older brother was the one who messaged him 2 hours later because after that game I didn’t feel like playing overwatch and neither did my friend so if you see “xSinsoX” please avoid his whole profile and overwatch profile I’ve also been on the amino app overwatch thread and say someone else also ran into this same person and also got reported and banned, bu they were much nicer than my bother. He even apologized even though the same thing happened he claims he over extended and spammed for healing then got mad and reported. His name is “xSinsoX” on xbox he also has a Nintendo account and playstation account.

1 report from a tilted player won’t get you banned.

Just move on.

(Also, I rarely push the cart, because it isn’t my job. I am the tank… I push forward and make space for the cart to be pushed into for free).


maybe he just struggles with anger issues, seems like most players do,
most people don’t even recognize it as something bad.

i’d be happy if they apologized, not for me but for their own sake, knowing it’s an issue is the first step to getting better.

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Hey maybe should play your role and stop tip toeing at first choke and me pushing the enemy team attention away from the choke allowing you guys to push through but when I died after killing two of them and turn around to see none of you have even looked around the choke so I would say maybe you should be avoided especially if the team and you are not going to show any effort and wanting to play the game. Also add you want people to avoid me because i reported ya and then something happened like a “ban”? How is that fair or deserving of an apology? That is on you. (I also have a PC acct)

xsinsox died 1 time as a mercy in a game I played with him. He then just went AFK or screwed around for the rest of the match. That we won.

100% would recommend avoiding him