Too many cheater with widow in PC

I met cheater 5 time only 2 hour.
They used widow and almost shot was HeadShot.
I guess this hack called TriggerBot.
perhaps Blizzard watching only OWL? Blizzard is supported by player users.

How many times did you met cheater in only today?

Not every one who can land a headshot is a cheater… Maybe you just didnt see the misses before or after he got an headshot. Also: Sometimes people are just good with widow, and sometimes people have a lucky shot

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So widows get a headshot and you brand them cheaters? If people are good with widow they will get consistent headshots and miss few shots. I’ve seen it several times.

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it is not cheating, Widowmaker has a huge hitbox and onehit killshots. if she doesn’t hit you but close you get little damage if she does hit you. even in your leg your dead. Widowmaker is freaking Overpowered and had been from the start