Hi! Im a casual player of the last 7-8 months or so, and ive been having so much fun with the game, especially the recent 6v6 modes, something I wasnt able to experience back in Overwatch 1, and ive been loving the Quirky roster of characters. Loved all the unique playstyles for all of them, from zen to bridgette, but one character i seemed to gravitate the most was Torbjorn.
When i first picked him up i just liked how he felt to play, and he seemed to be smack dab in the middle of everyones tier lists (before i even started looking at tier lists). But then recently he started to apparently go up in use in competitive play, which was pretty cool. I didnt play competitive but seeing him being used made me feel good about the character i played most. Then his perks dropped, and my god they were like lightning in a bottle. A bit more expression in torbs kit was what he needed, both the level 3 turret and Anchor bolts are really fun and strong additions to his kit, maybe a bit too strong admittedly but considering alot of characters got huge perks as well i thought it would pass. Until the recent patches
March 18th 2025 patch notes
Deploy Turret
- Base health reduced from 250 to 225.
- Turret Damage reduced from 13 to 12.
Craftsman - Now additionally increases Deploy Turret base health by 25
But then the recent patch came out, and it seemed to really hurt torbs turret, not surprised it would get a nerf but it really felt too squishy.
Couldnt figure out why, then i realized 225 was below a certain threshold of health, it used to take alot of characters one or two more shots to take it down. Pharah and genji for example used to take one extra shot, usually gave the turret extra time to act as a detterent/area denial But now, with its damage nerf as well, its not in a good place to act as that, aside from maybe the odd tracer, atm its an anoyance at best. Pre nerf I dont think ive seen people complain about its survivability either, at least from games ive played, usually it would get taken out by even a push of two people.
I wouldnt wanna complain without offering some changes though, and barring a reversion, i think just reverting the damage nerf would be enough. Maybe revert health and Anchor bolts Could have the -25 health as a penalty.
But again i think mainly just
*Reverting damage from 12 back to 13
is enough for me at least, to make it at least somewhat of a threat again
Anyways these are just my takess on recent torb changes, feel free to disagree with my disorganized thoughts