What is it with this whole community and being toxic af against people who play Sombra?
Sombra is annoying to have on the other team, and often not the best pick to have on your team.
Nothing wrong with playing sombra, just be willing to swap sometimes and let your play speak for itself.
People get annoyed at any one trick, and rightly so. Don’t be a one trick.
The current build of the game makes the meta either;
- Primarily one-hit-kill heroes like Widow, Hanzo, or Doomfist.
- Stun / CC setup
Sombra counters both of those. She’s arguably the best DPS to play at the moment.
That said, the team you’re playing on literally never have any idea what impact the Sombra makes unless you literally dialogue it out to them constantly. I’ve been slated so many times, and had so many team mates throw the game because I’ve played Sombra…
They then say in Game Chat “Report Sombra for throwing” and literally the entire enemy team has said “Hahaha are you joking? Sombra is literally the only problem for us.”
I just had 4 games in a row where people non-stop bitched about me playing Sombra, and threw the game because of it to the point where I’ve just switched the game off and have no intention of playing it anymore. It’s such a boring build of the game, playing anything where you just get one-hit by a random arrow, or you’re crippled into a state where you can’t move and just watch your hero die… excellent. Such fun.
Dont be a one trick, nobody likes a one trick.
When you have 9hrs on Sombra compared to 30mins on the next hero, people will see those stats and see you are not much of a team player, and you won’t be willing to switch.
Is Sombra a good pick, yeah sometimes, but no team is going to work around your pick, they expect you to work around everyone else. If you don’t switch enough or stick to one tricking (which is up to you), other players will eventually report you if they haven’t already.
I think the problem with sombra is that her playstyle is very different from that of most other DPS heros. For this reason most sombra players are mediocre or bad. This might make her a troll pick.
In contrast no one complains if you pick soldier or mccree. They are relatively easy to play and reliable all-rounders.
Soldier is a throw pick in current meta, I’d rather have torb.
I play in platinum and below where he is a solid pick. If my team loses then a soldier is never a scapegoat because of “picking soldier”. In the same situation a torb/symmetra/sombra is an automatic target of toxic people.
There’s your answer imo.
Btw, I happened to have a similar situation yesterday (in quick play, but still). My team started attacking the sombra because she was doing nothing. As a support, I was surprised cause I’m used to checking the kill feed and I had noticed she was getting picks, she had overall good positioning etc. Guess who got the card for all 4 gold medals. And the last comment was “weak dps”, couldn’t blame the Sombra anymore.
Eh, would you like people in your team who are good at what they do or people who are just mediocre but can fill any role ?
Exactly this!
As someone who does not have a lot of time on phara I got kinda wrecked by the only long range hero on the enemy team, which sadly enough was even a orisa…
Swapping back to tracer (my main which also brought me to plat) I did more work even it was against brig etc. Where phara should be shining (also no hitscans on the enemy team, more stuff like reinhardt, junkrat)
It’s simply the fact that I have way more experience with tracer compared to phara. I’ve been stuck in the air so much, but can predict a junkrat or hook, firestrike way better, than having a good position with phara in the air.
Come on… In gold and plat in solo queue there are at least 2-3 team members who know much better what you should play!
Sombra is really good if you have a team that is super coordinated, you need to be because your average DPS with her is super low.
Most of the solo comp games I play, you are much better taking another DPS over a Sombra. I play in Plat so 90% of the time a Sombra is like going 5.5 vs 6, you just have much lower DPS output than the other team.
Also when it isn’t working a Sombra will never ever change, but that could just be my games
If the enemy has a good doomfist and all you do is nullifying him then your contribution is great even if you do nothing else. If they switch from doomfist then it’s probably time to switch sombra too.
In my opinion a good sombra can be pretty useful on escort maps even without coordination. If she can constantly annoy/upset enemy backlines without dying every time then she is doing her job. But good sombras are rare. Better to flex to her only when she is a hard counter.
It’s not only your matches. That’s why people hate sombras.
Dw they are not only toxic against Sombra , try playing Widow ( and that is for when she was meta)
Sombra is annoying to have on the other team, and often not the best pick to have on your team.